London's Parents

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Mr and Mrs Bascoe got here before my parents, my parents are to arrive fours hours later. I had prepared dinner and had London test taste everything I made, I was nervous because it was the first time I would be meeting his parents. Just like me, London had no siblings.

We would all be staying at London's place because it had three bedrooms, my parents in one room and his parents in the other. London had already told them about me over the phone and also that he got me pregnant. Which is why they're in town, they live in Staten Island, New York but was in the Dominica Republic vacationing for their Anniversary when London called them.

I was dressed and London reassured me that I looked fine and that his parents would love me. He showed me many pictures of them and they looked like lovely folks. I see where London got his charm and that smile from. His mom looked more stern than his dad and I was really hoping that she likes me.

They walked in with London from the airport and I stood in the sitting are. "Hi Brielle, it's a pleasure to meet you" his mom greeted me first with a hug and I released the breath i was holding. "Ok, now this explains why my son was in a rush" his dad says out loud and Mrs. Bascoe slaps his shoulder.

"Please excuse my husband, he usually uses his mouth before his brain has time to function" she says and I laughed a little as do her. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs. Bascoe" I told them. "Oh honey, call me Pam and you can call the old man there Leon". She smiled.

Christ! That lady Victoria Bell named her son off London's father's name, she was really a sick individual.

"Ok mam," I couldn't help myself, my mother grew me with so much respect I found it hard to call her Pam. "It's Pam or mom honey" wow she's really a great person, I thought to myself.

"My parents should be here in a few hours, I'm not sure if London told you they would join us?" I said.

"I told them baby," he called out from the kitchen. "London, please don't eat all the food" I called back and his father laughed "That's my boy" he commented.

He loves when I cook and I made bake chicken which was one of his favorite things that I cook. I made enough food though, I usually cook a lot when I'm nervous.

London mom sat with me and showed me pictures from her phone with London has a baby, he was the cutest kid ever, I saw a naked picture of him and laughed so hard with his mother. She told me how he hated clothes has a toddler so he would run around naked all the time.

If only she knew he still walks around naked all the time but that's not something I would dare to say to his mother.

We had decided on waiting on my parents to come before we ate. London's driver was taking them here from the airport. I wasn't nervous about my mother it was my dad that I didn't know what to expect from.

Mom and dad walked in and engulfed me in a hug at the door and I almost wanted to cry because I was didn't expect all that love. Dad shook London's hand and gave him a manly hug and my mom also hugged London.

London then introduced them to his parents and while they were talking London and I got to setting up the tablets for dinner. I relaxed after the way my mom and dad acted just now. I figured my mother must've talked my dad into being on his best behavior.

We were all enjoying what I cooked thankfully and making small talks, getting to know each other. It turns out London's mom is also a Doctor, his dad is a retired business man while my dad is still in business so they had a lot in common.

While my parents had no siblings, London parents had brothers and sisters so London had cousins he grew up with. "Your cousin Tyra is in town" Pam told London and he nodded while he continued to stuff his face. London was eating like he was the one carrying the baby.

"How's your friend Anna?" his dad asked and I hoped the disgust wasn't showing on my face. "She's doing good dad" his mother looked at me and raised her eyebrows, I guess the disgust was indeed showing on my face because my mother noticed too, based on how she was looking at me.

London mother and my mom joined me in the kitchen to clean up, leaving the men in the sitting room watching football.

They actually didn't allow me to do anything they said I cooked the meal and they would do the cleaning.

"So Darling, what's up with you and Anna?" Pam asked. I told her and my mother what happened from high school to now and I could tell my mother was angry about the entire thing.

"I was never fond of that little girl, I also told Leon she was trying to control London but both men are so blinded by her wits not realizing that's exactly what she's using to pull them in." Pam said.

"Don't worry though, I see clear that my son is in love with you because in case you didn't know you're the First Lady Leon and I have been introduced to other than Anna has his friend and I really like you Brielle, you strike me as a humble and well mannered young lady, that knows exactly what she wants out of life. Any parent would be happy to see their son with a wonderful young lady like you. Please be patient with him and take care of him as I know he will take care of you. You're smart and you'll deal with that girl Anna" she hugged me and put a hand on my tummy.

"I can't wait to meet my grand child" I'm trying so hard not to cry.

My mom and Pam started talking about their grand baby and I went to use the bathroom and to get myself ready for bed.

London had a lot to drink with my dad and his dad, he came in the bedroom drunk or very close to it. "Brielle Bascoe, I'm going to make you my wife," he kissed my stomach over and over and licked my navel, which was weird but it caused me to laugh.

"Am I funny?" he asked while he pulled his shirt I was wearing over my head. "London no, our parents are down the hall. "I want you right now baby," he removed my panties so I was now naked and on display for him. My belly was coming out a bit, it had a small curve to it and I absolutely loved it. 

He kissed my stomach again before he claimed my lips and made love to me.

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