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As soon as I landed in L. A, London called. "Baby, you've landed based on my time," he sounded a bit sad and I wanted to hold him.

"Yes honey, I just landed. I'll be back before you know it," I tried to cheer him up.

"I miss you, have fun but not too much and take good care of both of you for me please." God has blessed me with this man.

"I will, I love you," I told him

"I love you more, give our friends my love please and the babies," I really love this man.

"Bye baby,"

"Please don't say bye to me, say I'll see you later. The word bye terrifies me" that's news to me but I obliged.

"Talk to you later honey," I said before we ended our call.

I took my seatbelt off and exited the jet, there was a car waiting for me outside and I realized then just how much my life has changed.

Ashley was beyond excited to see me and the feeling was mutual we hugged for a minute. Ash was looking lovely for someone who had not one but two babies a few months ago. She was looking like the vixen she was before the babies.

"Wow Ash, you look great!" I complimented her.

"I do, don't I, I've been in the home gym every chance I get so I'm happy to know my hard work is paying off. FYI the secret is breastfeeding, it hurts but it works like magic." I laughed hard, I've really missed my bestie.

The babies were asleep so we headed to the pool, Jared was at work and the baby sitter got to go home early since I was around to help. I can't wait to see their adorable faces.

"How do you feel?" Ash asked.

"Let me first say I understand what you went through with Jared because London and I had a mini argument over me flying here, he's so overprotective that I legit want to smack him in the head sometimes. I know it's coming from a good place and I love him but he's irritating," Ash had a smirk on her face while I spoke.

"However, I can live with that because it won't be forever. What I can't live with is how naive he is when it comes on to Anna-Reese, the girl is Satan's long lost daughter," Ash laughed and wiped away tears from the corner of her eyes.

"I just can't believe Mr. Hockey player, shy guy and his nerdy friend that was crushing on Neko and hating you all of the senior year is in your life right now. So many years later, he is finer than fine and she's no longer a nerd just a hating ass bitch.

"She liked Neko?" that was news to me.

"Ah, yeah she did Bri! How did you not notice?" Ashley rolled her eyes at me.

"I always caught her giving me some hateful look but I never realized and you never told me best friend" I fixed her with a look of my own.

"So you mean to tell me this girl has been steadily hating on me over douchebag Neko and now she wants my man! Over my dead body!" Ash laughs and I was about to say more but the baby monitor sounded babies cries and we got up from the poolside to go get the little cuddle buddies.

The most adorable babies I've seen ever, I had Leanna and she stopped crying as soon as she was in my embrace which warmed my heart, we took them to the kitchen where Ash had put their bottles to warm before we went upstairs for them.

Ash turned the television on while we were feeding the babies and we watched the C-News channel, it's all about celebrity gossip. Ash is always keeping up with the gossips, she's always been greedy for information and excited about these things.


It's Saturday and though I'll be leaving on Sunday afternoon I had promised Ash to keep the babies with the sitter while she and Jared went out to dinner.

During our phone conversations, I gathered that they needed a night alone with each other and I was there to bond with the babies and catch some practice in the process now that I'm expecting, so it was the perfect time for them to get alone time.

London called me last night to say good night and to tell me the bed isn't the same without me and I couldn't agree with him more, I got so used to sleeping with him that I tossed and turned all night and I couldn't wait to be in his arms again, my safe-havens.

My phone buzzed and I already knew it was him. He always calls or texts when I'm thinking about him, it's almost like we're in sync.

Don: Just letting you know I'm about to head to the club with Tyrese and your friend Khole now.

Me: Have fun.

Don: Not as much as I would if you were here.

Me: I would've been at home so it would not have made a difference.

Don: No way you would be home sexy lady.

I did not want to start an argument so I refrained from telling him how I really felt about this whole thing.

Me: The babies are up, ttyl

Don: I love you

Me: And I love you

The babies weren't up but that topic of his friend just never ends well. The baby monitor sounds and it seems I called this down on myself because now two hungry babies were up and crying.

Lucky for me, I had the help of a sitter and within no time we had the little chunky ones changed, fed, burped, and almost ready to sleep again.

Jared and Ash phoned, they were not to come back tonight but they changed their minds, they weren't ready to spend a night away from the babies.

When the babies finally fell asleep and were in their cribs, I let the baby sitter off and sat on the couch, I decided on a movie. However, I only remember hearing giggles and shh-ing before I woke up.

Ash and Jared were barely clothed getting what looked like whipped cream from the fridge and I wished I could unsee the sight behind me that woke me up.

"Just so you know, you two are gross," I made my way to my room for the weekend and checked my phone. I had two missed calls from London, I phoned him back but got no answer. I tried him again but still no answer, it was 11:00 pm in L. A, which means it was 2:00 am in NY.

Maybe he went home and is sleeping, something felt off so I texted him.

Me: Sorry I missed your calls, I fell asleep.

There was a reply within seconds after I sent the message.

Don: Stay asleep.

It's not the message that pisses me off the most. It's the fact she has access to his phone and where the hell was he. I decided I wouldn't reply, this was proof that she's a messed up person. I want to hear what he'll say about this when he sees it on my phone. I made certain to screenshot the text messages too.

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