Back to the Dorm

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Everything was back to normal, classes were going well. Ash was on the phone with Jared exchanging kissing sounds every time we were in our dorm room. I would either have my earbuds in listening to music or reading a book and blocking them out.

Naya had told me about her Christmas in New York. She said it was much colder than here, I've never been to New York but I plan to make a life there.  Plus, I have that round trip to New York that I'm going to use.

She told me, her brother had proposed to his girlfriend during Christmas dinner and that's why he wanted her and their dad there so badly. I also told her Ashley got engaged to her high school love and she smiled and said to congratulate her.

Today, I was at Naya's house chilling, we were talking about what we wanted to achieve in the future. She wants to stay in her home town and I'm moving to New York as soon as I complete my law degree. She wants to get married but have no children and I want at least two children.

We had different views and though we've never labeled what's going on between us it's clear it wouldn't work if we had decided to make it a thing. It's not the life I see for myself in the end and she's a great person for understanding. We decided today to stop fooling around each other before someone catches real serious feelings.

I had gotten her a late Christmas gift which was a customized helmet and she loved it, the way she had kissed me that day and loved me with her tongue had shown me that she was getting feelings, so it was in our best interest to stop it right here.


Seven years later

"Brielle! What the hell?"

"Huh, what's wrong?" I asked my roommate Khole, a little confused.

"I came in the room five minutes ago, I've been talking to you and you just kept staring at the ceiling dazed, it's like you couldn't hear me."

I looked at my phone and saw that I've been laying here for an hour and half absorbed in my thoughts of things from seven years ago.

I got into an Ivy League law school after doing my bachelor's degree at Yaleton university.  I am currently in my final year at law school and as much as I've enjoyed learning, seven years of going to school were enough. I graduate next month and to say I'm looking forward to it would be an understatement.

"Sorry Khole, I got lost in my thoughts," I told my roomie.

"That's fine, don't do it again though because I was this close to calling for help" she replied.

My phone chimes signaling a text message notification. It's from Ashley, she moved to Los Angles with Jared right after graduation and got married a few months later. The wedding was beautiful and I loved L. A for them, I've been there only twice on her wedding day and when I got a break from law school.

They've been in L.A together for three years now, Jared is a COO at a big company and Ash is a physiologist. I can just imagine her patients, I know her crazy ass be making them laugh. It's a good job for her, definitely matches her personality.

Ash: As soon as you're settled in New York, Jared and I are coming there. I got something good to tell you.

Me: I want to know right now Ash!

I'm renting an apartment in New York as soon as I graduate, I haven't used much of the money Bryor had given me and it has been growing interest in the bank account. When I tried to pay my mother's bills she had stopped me, they were already paid, I tried to pay my tuition, only to find out it was paid in full. I thought she lied to me but it turns out Bryor went and paid for everything.

The only time I've ever used money from it was when Ash and I went to Manhattan with the round trip tickets we got from Bryor. We had shopped so much that we had to buy two other suitcases to put all our new clothes in to take back with us to Atlanta.

He moved in with my mother after the Christmas visit. At first, I was beyond angry, I didn't speak to her for a month, she came to uni and we went to lunch. She told me she has not tried to date anyone or moved on with her life because she loved my father, she said every time she looked at my beautiful face she saw his face too and she just couldn't move on with her life.

She said she knew his parents had something to do with it and she wishes he was stronger to fight them but he eventually learned and she's happy with him. I heard her but I still did not fully understand how you forgive someone who left you for fifteen years so easily.

The look in her eyes was what broke me, my mother has done so much for me and I wanted her to be happy so I gave her my blessings.

I don't call him dad because he was not a dad to me all those fifteen years and every time I called him by his name I could see was a struggle for him and I enjoyed it so I called his name a lot.

He has tried over the years to build a relationship with me and I do acknowledge his efforts so I've been going easy on him. Besides, he makes my mother happy and for that I'm thankful. She has been glowing and happier than I remember seeing her. I'm happy she and aunty Jenni aren't alone while Ash and I start our own adult lives.

I still wish my dad, wow I just said, my dad. I guess that's what he is. I still wish he didn't make all of fifteen years pass, I remember days I cried about him not wanting me as his daughter and I couldn't understand why he didn't want me. I might need a session or two with Ashley to help me get over this.

Ash never responded to my text message, instead, she called.

"Bri!!! I'm pregnant!" She sniffs happily.

I was rendered speechless because for some reason I had no idea that's what she would say when I answered my phone.

"Oh my God Ash" I sniff when I finally found my voice. "I'm going to be an aunty?" I'm so happy for both of you. I wiped the happy tears from the corner of my eyes.

"Yeah, I was being cranky at Jar for no reason, my clothes weren't fitting right, I kept feeling bloated and that's when I realized I missed my period. He went and bought the pregnancy tests. I did like three of them" she said all this in one breath.

"How's he feeling about this," I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Bri, he has known for ten minutes, he already scheduled a doctor visit for the next hour and we're going baby shopping after the visit" she laughs.

They've always been so sweet, I love them together. He brings out the best in Ash.

"I'm so happy to hear this bestie, tell me about your doctor's visit later, I need all details, due date and all," I tell her.

"Definitely! Shit, I haven't even called my mother" she says.

We said our goodbyes and I promised to tell her when I'm settled in New York so they can come.

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