He is mine

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I filled Ash in on all that's new while London was in the shower. She hated Anna-Reese as much as I did and she was overly excited about me being pregnant and London being overprotective "now you'll understand why Jared pissed me off so much during my pregnancy" she told me.

She sent me a picture of the babies when we hung up and I was in love with them all over again. They got so chubby and their beautiful eyes just made me want to hold them and give them lots of kisses.

"I hope it's only one in there" his voice brought me back to earth.

"And if there's two?" I asked him

"There's nothing I could do but share my love but I'm hoping it's one at a time, " he was planning on having more babies?

I don't know enough about him, we need to get to know each other. "How many children do you want?" I asked him.

"I want four, two girls and two boys," he told me. I only want two and that's based on how this one goes I thought to myself.

"They're adorable though," he pointed towards my phone and I couldn't agree with him more.

"London I can't believe we're having a baby, we just started dating. This is crazy and I'm still a little mad at you for blurting that in front of our friends."

"I can hardly call that girl your friend when she wants inside your panties" he had the nerve to roll his eyes at me.

"I could say the same for your friend, she's been hating me since high school and being vindictive which you act blind to" this time I rolled my eyes at him.

"Baby, what are you talking about? Anna doesn't hate you" he looked puzzled. "I invited her to lunch so I could tell her the good news, I had already told Tyrese and I didn't want him talking about it and left her clueless, " he said

"We are talking about the same girl that gave me hateful stares throughout senior years and when I approached her in Aunty Jenni's diner about why she looked at me like that all the time she told me because she doesn't like me and I shouldn't speak to her ever again?" I took a breath and continued.

"We are talking about the same girl who approached me at your club the other night in the restroom and told me you're going to leave me once you've had your fill because no one gets past that stage and not to think that I'm anything special to you? Are we really talking about the same girl that has been allowing her coworkers to put you out there as a playboy for bad publicity so that she could throw off the ladies interested in you?" maybe it was that I had enough of Anna-Reese or possible his naive behavior but I let it all out.

"I bet she chose that restaurant because she knew I would be there with Naya." I said.

He sat on the couch in my room and just stared out the glass for a few minutes before he spoke.

"Are you sure Brielle? I'm finding this so hard to digest because Anna and I, we grew up together and she's always been so honest and a kind person. I've seen her be mean to you once and she told me it was because you were mean to her first in a locker room or something like that". He shakes his head.

"I can count the few times I've spoken to her throughout high school and I've never been rude to her before, apart from the other night in the club that she was deserving of."

I noted he called me by my name and not baby because it's his precious angel friend that we're discussing and I want to curse him out but we need to get past this if I'm supposed to be spending my time with him.

"If I'm remembering correctly that day in the diner she told me you were rude to her as well, she said she came to order what I was eating and you told her she needed a salad because she's getting fat so she told you not to talk to her if you don't have to" I laughed, I laughed so hard because this girl is a pathological liar.

"Have you seen me in high school bringing down anyone? I've had more weight than that girl throughout high school so how could I call her fat? London you're a smart man and I shouldn't have to be proving myself for something as silly as this" I paused for a minute before I continue.

Ashley has been my friend for all my life so I understand the kind of trust he has for his childhood friend. He thinks he knows her enough to know she wouldn't do these things but I had no reason to be lying about her.

"It's your friend and I understand it can't be easy for you to believe these things but I have no reason to lie on her. If you're going to remain friends with her just respect the fact that I don't want to be associated with her, I hate that she knows I'm pregnant before my parents even know." I sighed

"Can we at least wait until after the ultrasound to start telling people about the baby?" He walked up to me with a big grin on his face like it's Christmas Day. "I can't wait to tell the world I'm having a baby with the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." he wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my forehead then my cheeks and my lips.

I know he's trying to change the mood and the subject and though it worked it's still a problem that needs to be resolved.  If he can't see that his friend is a liar and that she likes him or possibly is in love with him then I'm going to have to show him.

She can't have him now, she had many years to shoot her shot and didn't. I love him and I'm having his baby, I'm not about to be a single mother either so her chance is zero.

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