This Bitch

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I said goodbye to my best friend, my adorable niece, and nephew, Jared, grandma, and grandpa Hindu. Aunty Jenni and Mr. Jackson had gone home two days after Ashley and the babies were home and settled.

I'll be back in two months to visit the babies, they have to know their aunty loves them. It sucks that we lived so far away from each other, we always wanted our children to grow together, as we did but I see now they'll have each other and it's good that they do because I'm not ready to have any.

As soon as we get to New York, I'll be setting my doctor's appointment. He has been pulling out since he came back. We got on the plane and I noticed London has been a little too quiet for my liking so I asked him if everything was okay and he nodded.

We got on the jet and he was still distant so as soon as the pilot turned the no seatbelt sign on I went to the bedroom to give him his space. A few minutes later he walked in and looked at me.

"Are you going to tell me why the sudden change of mood? " I stared up at him

"Bri, when you said you weren't good with men, I didn't know you meant you didn't like men at all. Is that why you were a virgin?" He asked.

I was so confused, what the fuck was he talking about and I'm sure this was showing on my face. "London, what are you talking about?"

"Well, you said you're not good with men and I'm just now finding out you were in a relationship with Anna's in law sister, I thought you only tried I didn't know you dated and I certainly didn't know you weren't interested in men at all," he said.

"The way that girl hugged you and looked at you, I thought something was up but I didn't know it was that" he continued.

"You know honestly London, if we weren't in a plane I would leave your ass standing right here, you've become distant over something you don't even know about, you heard it from someone else mouth, someone who has kept lying on me for years! Are you that blind or are you just stupid!?" I shouted at him.

"Oh and for your information, I went on one date with Naya in college, we fooled around either three or four times but I'm sure it wasn't more than four and we called it quits before it could go anywhere because I am straight! I dated Neko in high school for crying out loud and I told you about my college experience and for the last time I wasn't a fucking virgin!" Maybe I was a little harsh but he deserved it.

"Yes you were, I saw you bleed and I felt it, I saw those tears and the pain" he reaches for me and I pulled away.

"Hey, come here, I'm so sorry. It's just I trust Anna, she looks out for me and usually is very honest" he says and I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, I allowed him to hold me.

"Your friend does not like me, she's told me this before and I see that she has constantly lied about me, I don't appreciate it," I told him and I can already see this being a problem for us. He made it clear that he trust her which means he trust her more than he trust me and though we've only been whatever we are for a week and a day, that one stung a bit.

He kissed my forehead ignoring what I just said, I don't know what I was expecting but I know for a fact I will not be fighting this bitch over him. I was good before him and I'll be good after him.

"Please baby, I'm so sorry don't be mad at me, you're right. I shouldn't have jumped to my conclusion or listened to what anyone had to say, I'm so sorry" he said and I relaxed a little.

Why are we even arguing already? This whole thing has progressed a little too fast and once again I need a moment to breathe. I turned on his chest and laid there until I fell asleep.

I was being woken up by the sexiest man I've known. "Hi baby," I smiled at him and snuggled even more in his chest. This caused him to laugh. "We have to go sit down, the plane is going to land soon," he tells me.

I frowned and followed his lead, this man is beyond sexy, I cannot afford to stay mad at him. That was the best sleep I've gotten since Sunday. "I missed you," I told him.

"I missed you more, baby"

His driver drove us to my apartment, and the thought of staying there alone was killing me. London walked me up to my apartment with my suitcase, I thanked him for getting me to and from L. A and he kissed me. I walked into my apartment and closed the door after he walked away.

I felt so lonely, I reached for my phone and dialed his number. "Baby?" He answered. "Please stay with me tonight?" I asked. I've really put myself out there for the past week. Within two minutes he was at my door and I was in his embrace. 

He didn't ask anything, he just held me and I was grateful, after my emotional whatever that was, I called Ashley to let her know I was home safely and also my parents. I then made a chicken Alfredo pasta for London and I and joined him to watch a movie and chat after I took a shower.

We made love while the stars watched through my bedroom windows and I fell asleep in the arms of the man that has captured the deepest part of my soul and uprooted my life in a matter of a week. I'm so weak to him and I hope he doesn't know, I hope he loves me as much as I love him.

I don't want him to get up and leave me after a few years, I already feel lonely when he isn't around. I don't want to go through what my mother went through.

That night, I dreamt of a baby girl with hazel eyes and caramel skin calling London Daddy. I woke up in cold sweats, I had to change my clothes before I got back in bed, London was sound asleep.

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