The case

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I read every detail in his file and if what he has said is true then this lady is in for some serious trouble. She claims that they were dating for a few weeks and had sex countless times. She found out that she was pregnant two weeks later and went to his place of work to tell him she's pregnant with his child.

She claims he denied that the child was his and hit her in the process of their argument. After which she was pulled and thrown out of the building by his securities. She also claimed to have sustained bruises from the attack and that every attempt to reach him since was blocked and she's caring for their two-month-old baby boy by herself. She's appealing for child support, and money for the pain and injuries she sustained.

I need to speak to him because I need to know if anything she said is true. Anything he can recall that may be used against him in court. I picked up my phone and called the last number I had called today which was him and he picked up on the second ring.

"Brielle" he breathed.

Was he waiting for me to call? His voice had me closing my thighs together and releasing my breath, I didn't realize I was holding.

"Is there anything you forgot to mention that may be used against you in court?" I asked in a serious tone

When he didn't respond immediately, I spoke again "anything at all, no matter how irrelevant you may think it is."

"No Brielle, it was a one night stand" he didn't stutter.

"Okay, thank you." I was about to hang up but his beautiful voice captured me again.

"Can I take you to lunch tomorrow?" He asks.

I wanted to tell him he could take me anywhere, he could have me anyhow but I refrained. It was bad enough I knew him in high school and now I'm his lawyer and getting emotionally involved is never ok.

"Maybe if we need to discuss anything further," I told him.

"Thanks for calling, I'll see you soon"

"Bye," I responded and ended the call.

Why was he so sure he'd see me soon, what if his case takes some time. Then again, judging by how well he is known, I doubt he will have to wait long. It sounds terrible but it's how this world is.

It was already 3:00 pm, I have a client scheduled for 3:30 pm that should be coming to my office so I searched for his file and prepare myself to meet with him. Funny how these male cases keep coming in since recently.

My client Mr. Standley is taking his wife to court because of neglect and he also claims that she's keeping his newborn away from him and that she abused drugs during her pregnancy. He wants for her to get counseling alone and with him, if she wants to fix their marriage, he's appealing for full custody of the baby if she refuses to come back home.

"Mr. Standley, where are your wife and the baby staying right now?" I asked him.

"They're staying at her mother's, her mother is taking care of my son. I often call her mother to see him over the phone but whenever I go there she locks the doors and argues with her mother not to let me in. She's insisting the baby isn't mine, but the baby looks just like me, and the dates we had sex adds up with the baby's birth and age now."

"Mr. Standley, the only way to be sure the baby is yours is for DNA to be done. What happened for her to have neglected you" I need more information.

"We were great until she started going out with her friends to bars every week. I asked her to limit it so we could spend time together and she wasn't having it, which is why I decided I would get her pregnant to keep her home more but that didn't work." He paused for a minute and I urged him to continue.

It was clear this man was truly hurting, he had watery eyes and I just wanted to offer him a hug.

"Even when she found out she was pregnant she still went out to clubs and drank liquor with my baby inside of her." How do you know this I asked him.

"I followed her Ms. Saunders, I followed her many times and I watched her leave with different men. I've never cheated on my wife and I feel as though I've given her all that I could. She has a beautiful home, a brand new car and I treat her well" he cries

"I love her and even though she has hurt me so much, I still want her to come back to me and I know she has my son. If she doesn't want me, I'll live with it but I need my son."

After we wrapped up and I promised to make the best out of his case, he left. I took up a chilled bottle of water and read his file again as to make notes on anything I might've missed the first time I read it, and that's when it hit me. The name, his wife's name was the same person London named except, she didn't tell him her married name, did he even know that she's married. Victoria Bell-Standley.

I called my friend from the county office for a background check on Mrs. Victoria Bell-Standley. It looks like London and I will indeed be seeing each other sooner than I had anticipated and to be honest I am not complaining.

I've been going for years without a man, I don't think I need a man but somehow this one causes sparks all over my body and my pussy disobeys me as soon as Mr. Bascoe opens his sweet chocolate mouth.

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