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While in the shower I kept thinking about Naya, I started touching myself to the thoughts, I've never touched myself to the thought of a woman before. I can't believe I'm doing this. My hormones were out of control.

When I got out of the shower, Ash was standing there rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me?" She questioned.

"Oh you were sleeping so peacefully" I jeered

She rolled her eyes and got in the shower. "I heard you moaning in your sleep btw and I know there's no way you're dreaming about Neko or Nazair" she just had to open her big mouth.

"I'm starting to think these aren't dreams, it's like I envision what I want or expect to happen and get the total opposite all the time"
I replied.

Did I want Naya to kiss and touch me the way she did in my dream? For goodness sake, I don't even know if the girl is gay. I do get a gay vibe from her though and she does dress like a man so I'd be stupid to think she's not.

"So what did you dream about" she went on.

I don't remember" I lied.

"You're lying" she calls me out and opens the shower curtain to look at me.

"Ok, I sighed dramatically. I dreamt about Naya" I squirm.

"Wait! what? Tell me more!" sometimes I can't stand my best friend.

I gave her the details of my dream and blame her for it.

"Whoa! you can't blame me, I only suggested, I'll only take the blame if I get to peep"

"Peep on what Ash, what's wrong with you?"

"So are you like gay now?" I ignored her as we walked back to our room.


We sat in economic class waiting for the lecturer, I looked up and made eye contact with Naya, she smiled and I smiled back.

" I saw that," Ash says

"Of course you did Ashley" I shook my head.

After class, Naya walked up to my desk. "Hi, Brielle,"

"Hi, Naya." I didn't know what else to say. I looked to Ashley but of course, she came out of the room.

"What are you studying?" Naya asked.

"Law, I plan to become a family lawyer and you," I asked


"Wow, that's great Naya" I'm in awe of her.

"Would you like to hang out with me tonight?"

"Yeah sure, where would we go?" I asked

"I grew up here so I know a few places we can go, how does 8:30 pm sound?" She asked

"Perfect," I said.

"Great! See you then... oh wait, where should I meet you at your room or you'll come down?"

"I'll come down" I smile

"See ya" she walks off at that.

Fuck! What's wrong with me, is it a date or are we just friends getting to know each other. What do I wear, I have no idea where we're going.

Naya is so cute, she has beautiful caramel skin, brown eyes, black hair, a piercing beside her right eyebrow, and a septum. She has a bunch of tattoos that compliments her skin and her pink lips look so soft. She looks Latina to me and not too girly, just the right amount. I sat there daydreaming until Ash walked in and asked if I have another class in here that she doesn't know about. What the hell was wrong with me?

I headed to the cafeteria with Ashley alongside me texting away on her phone. We got salads and orange juice before taking our seat.

"Can you believe I texted Jared an hour ago and he hasn't even read the text message" she frowns?

"Maybe he's in class," I said

"He doesn't have class at this time Bri, we are eleven hours ahead of Los Angeles" she continues to frown.

"Did you try calling him, maybe he's sleeping ?" I don't want her to worry and I don't think she has anything to worry about, he loves her so much.  Jared's in LA while we're in Atlanta Georgia.

We're from a beautiful city called Chattanooga, in Tennessee. My father is from New York, he followed my mother to her home town when they found out they were pregnant with me but then he left when I was three and never returned or reach out so he might as well never came.  Ash parents were both from Chattanooga, Tennessee.

She dials Jared and he picked up on the second ring, her phone was on speaker.

"Hi baby, " he sounded sleepy.

"Hi yourself, I texted you like an hour ago" she cursed.

" I fell asleep baby, I was bored and I fell asleep, I'm sorry if I made you worry," he said.

"Okay but don't do that again" she smiled

"I love you, Ashley," he said

"I love you a too big head, text me." she's grinning as she hangs up the phone.

I can't bear this, they're so in love. "See I told you he was sleeping" I mocked.

"I just miss him so much it hurts," she said.

"Aww, you'll see him during Christmas break," I told her.

"I'm meeting Naya tonight" I tried to change her mood and I knew it would work.

"You're going on a date with Naya" she's so greedy for information.

"I wouldn't call it a date, she didn't say date, she said to hang out"

"You're going on a date, it's Friday have fun," she laughed.

"I don't know, let's see. I don't know what to wear so I need your help" I say.

"Where is she taking you?" she asked.

"I don't know, she said she's from around here and knows a few places" I shrug.

"Did you know that she rides a bike?" Ash asked

"I didn't, and?" I countered

"Well wear something that will be fitting to go on the back of the bike silly," she said.

"Okay, that's not bad advice at all, I expected some bs" I patted her on the back. She gave me the middle finger and headed to her next class.

I headed to calculus and when I remembered Naya takes that class, a huge smile formed on my face.

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