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I have done so well for myself and Wilson's Law Firm. I've made my name out there for the seven months I've been at the firm. I have won every case assigned to me and they've been coming in like crazy.

People were asking for me by name now and I had to be assigned an assistant to answer my office phone and to see if she could assign some of the cases to other lawyers because it was too much for me. I was overwhelmed in joy at how well I was succeeding.

One thing that never surprised me was how deceiving these men were to their wives, I've been through it for fifteen years with no father so how can I be surprised at the things they do. Which is why I've won every case, I give justice to these women.

It's mostly women cases that I'm assigned, I've only ever gotten two men cases and I only took them because it was clear that the women were no good. I do have a choice in the cases that I take on at the firm because I'm good at what I do, my bosses don't question my actions.

I tried to succeed in my love life as well by going on a few awful blind dates. Or maybe I was not trying hard enough but either way, it was not working out. If my vibrators were people they'd hide from me, they've been overused and abused.

Ashley is due to have baby Ashton in two weeks and I will be going there, I can't miss my nephew's birth. We'll all be going, Aunty Jenni, Mr. Jackson, my mom, Bryor, Jared's parents, and his twin sisters. Grandpa Michael isn't doing so well so grandma Peggy is staying with him. Grandma Suzie and grandpa Abu were already in L.A, they were excited and I think because it's a boy and the fact that Jared and Ash are naming him after their son made them even more excited.

I was sitting in my office going over a case that I have court for in the morning when Mr. King walked in.

"Brielle, how are you doing today" he smiled at me.

"I'm doing great Mr. King" Asaad he corrected me.

I just found it hard to call him by his first name so I nodded.

"I have a very important case for you, he handed me the file. Please contact the client tomorrow, he wants to meet with you after court. I informed him that in two weeks you'll be out of the office for a few days so he wants to meet with you as soon as possible."

Before he walked off he said again "a very important client" ok I get it I say to myself. Very important, I treat all of my clients the same though.


I won the case and felt very happy about it my client got exactly what she asked for and she deserves it after her husband forced her to do three abortions and then had a baby with another woman. I made sure she got everything she could get and her divorce.

Once I was in my car, I opened the file Mr. King gave me without even scanning the name. I just wanted to know the meeting place before I read the details. The phone rang only once before it was answered.

"Good day, you're speaking with Bascoe" his voice was very appealing and captivating.

I almost forgot what I was about to say.

"Hello Mr. Bascoe, my name is Brielle Saunders from Wilson's Law Firm, I" he interrupted me before I could finish talking, how rude?

"Brielle" it sounded like he was asking.

"Yes sir, Brielle Saunders, I was asking you where should we meet?" I was a bit annoyed by the fact that he didn't let me finish just to ask my name again.

He gave me an address which was seven minutes from the court so I was on my way. I didn't know what to expect because of our odd conversation.

My GPS took me to a huge building with a sign that said Bascoe Investments. I parked in the underground parking lot and took an elevator to the first floor. I told the receptionist my name and why I was there, she sent me to the 40th floor and said I should go right in the office when I get there.

I'm not afraid of heights but the 40th floor sounds a bit much. I got in the elevator and went up, when the elevator reached the destined floor I got off. There was a blonde young lady, secretary I suppose.

"Hello," I repeated the same thing I told the receptionist on the first floor even though she said I could go in. Why do they need to have a floor for just one office though?

"You can go right in Ms. Saunders," the blonde lady informed me.

I walked into the office and my knees buckled when I saw London Bascoe standing in front of his desk. I tried to regain my composure so that I wouldn't look unprofessional. I'm praying my mouth was not open in shock at my entrance.

It was at that moment I remembered I didn't even read the file because I was in my head about our stupid phone conversation and then the conversation played in my head and I understand it fully, he knew he was talking to me but I had no clue.

The office was huge, a big desk in the middle of it, a seating area with fashionable looking black chairs and a big coffee table in the middle of the seating area arrangement. There were doors on both sides of the office and a huge glass overlooking the city behind his desk.

"Good afternoon Mr. Bascoe," I walked closer to his desk and offered a hand, when he took my hand in his, my whole body betrayed me. I felt electricity running through my body, I was on fire and I pulled my hand away so fast.

He slightly turned his head and looked at me with a small smile appearing on his beautiful full lips. I was wet, I could feel my lips rubbing together in my panties and I tried to get a grip of myself.

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