Diamonds are forever

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We ordered take-out and sat in the car until it was ready. London went and got it then we were on our way to my apartment. Much like the last time, only this time I wasn't his attorney, I was his and he was mine.

I went straight for the bathroom when we walked in because I had a full bladder then I went into the shower, replaying the slight drama of this evening and relishing how the warm water was relaxing my body.

I knew London was in the bathroom before he made his presence known, he stepped in behind me and pulled me to his chest, his erection pressing into my back.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too baby" I leaned my head on his chest and looked up at him so that he could kiss my lips.

"I want to make love to you in the bed, which I'm still going to do once you're up to it but I'm also going to have to take your sweet pussy in this shower because you're looking ravishing.

He kissed my lips, neck, breast and kept kissing his way down my body until he was on his knees in front of me and he wasted no time licking my slit and pushing his tongue inside of me causing me to moan. "London I want more," I told him while he was sucking my pussy, I just needed to be filled.

He got off his knees and lifted me like I didn't weigh anything, held me against the tiles, and entered me slowly causing a moan to release from my lips and my hands digging in his shoulders.

"Baby your pussy is so tight" he groans the words which caused me to want him to fuck me harder. "Harder Don," I moaned and he obeyed thrusting harder inside of me. Moments later my body started to tighten and I could see colors of lights exploding behind my eyelids as my orgasm took over my body and I screamed his name. He filled me up with his orgasm still holding me in place and catching his breath before slowly putting me back on my feet.

He showered me and I showered him then we headed to the kitchen to eat our Spanish food and talk about our day. I loved our routine as a couple, good sex, good food, and bonding conversations.

He fulfilled his promise by making love to me in bed before we both were knocked out from the exhaustion of multiple orgasms.


Two weeks came in a flash and it was my last day at Wilson's Law Firm. My belly was showing in my pencil dress, I found some cute maternity clothes when I went shopping with London and this beige pencil dress was one of them.

Things felt great, I decided to wait until after I've had the baby to start my law firm so now I'll have some free time on my hands to put measures in place properly. London was very happy that he got me to give in but only because he promised to take me to see Ashley and the babies this weekend. Which was tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited.

As usual, London got me from work and we headed straight to the airport, he seemed a little tense but insisted everything was good and perfect. I'd managed to loosen him up on the flight to LA in one of the rooms. By the time we got to Ash's place, all tension was gone.

The babies got bigger and were sitting in their sit-up chairs eating baby foods, they were really precious and I almost wanted to cry just thinking that in a few months I'll be holding my baby. Ash was beyond thrilled that I was there and we totally ditched the guys to catch up on gossip we already talked about over the phone.

As usual, Ashley planned on us going shopping and dinner tomorrow, I could not say no to shopping because I was getting bigger every day. I wasn't really big but I was definitely showing in the belly area, something London found very sexy he has continuously told me.

After a nice relaxing day with Ash, apart from the shopping that she forced me to get this extravagant white dress for dinner tonight and get my hair and nails done, I decided I might as well be excited about going to a fancy restaurant with nice food in LA.

London was dressed dashing too and I started to wonder if I was missing something. However, I didn't dwell on it, I just went with the flow of the night. The sitter was there with the babies and so Ashley, Jared, London, and I left to go to the restaurant.

"Bri?" London summoned my attention from looking out through the window at the beauty of LA during our ride to the restaurant.

"Yes baby"

"I love you so much," he told me and I had to swallow down my tears so that I wouldn't ruin my makeup and my white dress. "and I love you, " I softly returned when I was sure I wouldn't cry. We pulled up at a beautiful venue, there weren't a lot of cars parked outside and it made me wonder how a beautiful place like this doesn't attract a lot of people.

I thought outside was beautiful but when I got inside and saw the view, I was looking at LA lighting up from the sky floor of the restaurant, and as beautiful as it was I was not prepared for what I saw next.

My mom, my dad, aunty Jenni, Mr. Jackson, grandma Peggy, grandpa Michael, grandma Suzie, and grandpa Abu, even London's parents were present. I didn't have any doubt in mind of what was happening behind me as I turned around to see a very anxious London on bended knees.

Any chance of not ruining my makeup and my dress went through the door at the sight of my beautiful man in his blue suit looking up at me. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Hi baby, I've been walking around with this box for a few months now waiting on a special moment to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me because God knows I won't survive a day without you in my life, in my arms, you being mine Brielle. I love you so much my queen and I love our baby, I'll do everything in my power to keep you both happy and safe, would you please do me the honor of being my wife?"

I was lost for words as tears escaped my eyes, when I found my voice about a minute later I responded. "I love you baby so much, yes I want to spend the rest of my life with you" that's when I remembered my family was here because everyone started cheering as London got off his knees to wipe my away my tears and planted his lips on mine, kissing me passionately and whispering in my ear how sexy I look carrying his baby.

He then took out the most beautifully stunning diamond ring I've ever laid my eyes on and placed it on my ring finger, I stared at it for a little, taking in its beauty before I was bombarded by my family and London's parents who are about to be my extended family. I took notice of the fact that we were the only ones in the restaurant, which led me to assume that London as rented this beautiful place tonight to propose to me.

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