College is about experience

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I walked down at 8:20 pm to wait for Naya, I was anxious and my hormones were all over the place due to the constant thoughts of her. Where was this coming from? I had no idea but it's college, I'm young and willing to explore my options.

I'm surprised to see her getting off her bike when I exited the building. A good sign, I'm not the only anxious one I hope.

"You're early" I smiled

"So are you and you're looking lovely " she replies.

I blushed. I'm wearing a short mustard romper with white lining and a concise solid toe ring flat sandals, I paired it with a gold saddlebag. My hair is in a sleek low ponytail.

This is for you, she walks up closer to me and places a white helmet on my head, her fingers felt smooth on my skin as she buckled my helmet.

"How long have you been riding," I ask. I'm a little nervous, I've only been on a bike once and though it was fun, it's not something I'm interested in doing a lot.

" Two years, I've got this just trust me," she said

"I'll try my best,"

She was wearing a white dress shirt, jogger jeans, and a pair of white Jordan's. Her hair was also in a sleek low ponytail. Very sexy if you ask me.

"You're looking lovely too," I said to show I was also admiring her. "Why thank you," she said as she put her helmet on and hopped on her bike.

I climbed on behind her and put my arms around her. She smelled so good she uses men's cologne, I noted. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride and the way she smelt and felt.

About 10mins later we stopped and I noticed we're at a seaside bar and grill. The aroma made me famish instantly, the scenery was to die for. The water glistening under the sunset, the trees swaying in the wind, and the music playing in the background. "Just the way you are by Bruno Mars".

I'd say this is the best date I've ever been on and we haven't even sat down.

"Mesa para dos por favor" Table for two please she says in Spanish.

I knew she had a Spanish background based on her looks but I didn't know she spoke it. I know a little Spanish from what I learned in high school so I know what she just said but if she continues to, I'm sure I won't know.

"Impressive," I say.

She smiles and we walked over to our table, "a waitress will be with you shortly" the gentleman from the door informs us.

"Have you ever had Spanish food?" she asks when the man walked away.

"No I've not had it but I'm excited to have some tonight" I opened my menu and was looking at the pictures because the whole thing was in Spanish.

"Do you like spicy food?" she asks.

"I do, I love spicy food"

"Do you mind if I order for us?"

"Would be my pleasure" I chuckled and so did she.

A waitress walks up to us "Buenas Noches a Los dos. Qué Puedo conseguirte" I know she said good evening but the rest I didn't catch.

"Good evening, "I said and smiled

" Buenas Noches, comenzaremos con croquetas de Jamon, paella y Una Botella de tu," Naya told the waitress

"What did you say," I ask

"I told her we will start off with croquetas de Jamon its ham croquettes, then for the main course a Spanish dish with rice, chicken and shrimp and a bottle of red wine".

"Sounds great! Should you be drinking though?" I asked.

"I'll only have a glass the rest is for you" She looked into my eyes.

"Are you trying to get me drunk because I can hold my liquor"

"Not at all, I just want you to have a good time,"

"I'm having a good time already" I complimented and she's happy.

The waitress is back with our appetizer and it's delicious. I drank water before I tended to the glass of wine Naya poured for me. The appetizers sure opened my appetite and I'm ready for the main course.

"How do you like it so far?" She's smirking

"I think you know" I chuckled because I ate most of the croquetas things or whatever the name is.

The main course was served and it looked as delicious as it smelt. The rice had a yellow look, it was loaded with pieces of fried chicken and fried shrimps. I used my spoon to dish the food on to my plate and dogged in.

I couldn't help the moans that escaped my mouth, the food was so amazingly good. I looked up and Naya was grinning at me. "I take it you like the food," she asks

"No, I don't like it at all. I love it! Can we get to-go boxes?" I asked but then I remembered she rides a bike and started frowning.

"I live down the block from here so you can get the to-go box if you wish to, I have a car we could drive back. The drive is longer than the ride though.

"I don't mind at all," I said.

"Dessert ?" She asked.

"If I eat dessert you'll have to roll me out of the restaurant." We both laughed while we drank the rest of the wine.

After another 20mins of drinking and talking about each other's dreams, we started the walk towards Naya's house. She had too much to drink, as did I so she was pushing the bike along while we walked.

Not long after we arrived at a two-story White House, it's dark now but I could see that the door and windows were black and the lawn was done to perfection. "Nice place" I complimented.

"Thanks, all praises are due to my mother" she looked sad when she said this.

"Why do you look so sad then" I questioned

"Because she passed away a few months ago," she said.

"I'm so sorry to hear that" I gave her a hug when she parked her bike. She held me for a minute before she let go. I decided not to ask any more of those questions, I must've already ruined her mood.

"Let me show you the inside, you'll probably like it more than the outside," she said.

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