Mustard: Night out turns...interesting

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To put it simply, I was out in a club. Despite being quirkless, I had made some good friends throughout my school life, most had quirks...but they never put me down for not having one. To not get off topic...I was in a club, with my friends. During out little escapade, one of them, Sero, the one I was mainly friends with, received a call.

"It's Denki." I smiled at him as he answered it, handing him his phone. I was the designated phone holder since I brought a bag with me and didn't like to drink, so I wouldn't be drunk either. I was the responsible one.

"Why are you blowing up my phone? It won't make me leave faster. I'm not leaving! I'm not leaving the girls. I should have left my phone at home! Stop calling, I'm at a club, and I'm sick of my phone ringing. Now stop calling! I'm dancing!" He hung up. I stared at him as he handed me his phone with a smile, patting my head as a thanks. I hesitantly smiled back, finding something off. I checked his phone and saw the amount of missed calls from this 'Denki' guy Sero was friends with. I stared at his contact before pressing call. I motioned to my friends that I was going outside for some 'fresh air'. When I found my way outside, I noticed the call had been going on for 15+ seconds. I quickly rose the device to my ear.


"Hello? Hi, uhm, I'm Sero's friend, I saw the amount of times you called and-"

"Where's Sero?!"

"He's inside, he's with some girls from your class, we were having a night out-"


"Uh, Delilah's-"

"She's at Delilah's- The club you dipshit!" I heard 'Denki' call out to someone. "You're just down the road. Look-..."

"(Y/n). My name's (Y/n)."

"(Y/n), we're in a little situation, we need some help-"

"Where are you?"

"There's a warehouse down a few turnings-"

"The big ones behind the high school? Not U.A. the other high school."

"Yeah! Those! We're kind of tied up in one of them, can you come bail us out?"

"If there's more than one of you can't you untie each other?"

"You'd think that...-"

"Or use your quirks?"

"Well, you see, we're in quirk cancelling each, and then tied too."

"Oh I-"

"And there are villains everywhere so we can't exactly-"

"Oh, um, okay, yeah, sure, I'll um, I'll be there in ten..." Then the call ended and I hurried back inside, handing everyone their phones before sorting out my bag and running off again, bidding farewell to my friends for the night. On my way to the warehouse, I stopped by my house, ditched my bag, and grabbed my favourite thing, a baseball bat.

I stood by the entrance to the warehouse area? The gates at the front of the property. I took a deep breath and stuck to the edges, peaking into each building through windows and doors, cracks in the walls...etc. I finally found the one with a few villains in it. I continued to stick to walls, close to the ground and hiding behind things so I wouldn't be seen. I dropped behind some crate and boxes when I saw a villain look in my direction. I sucked in a sharp breath. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could feel and hear it pulsing in my ears. I tired to keep my breathing steady, releasing small shaky breaths. There were only three, maybe four villains, but to a quirkless girl that's four too many. I calmed a little, carefully peaking over the crate, unfortunately coming face to face with one of the four villains. I stared at him. He stared at me. My eyes were wide and I felt my heart race even more.

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