Bakugou Katsuki: I-Island

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I had spent such a long time without being visited by this one guy who seemed to vacation here a lot since he met me the first time around four years ago. His name was Bakugou Katsuki and he attended U.A high school in Japan. Most of the time we just texted, FaceTiming when either of us had the time and other than that the only time we could actually meet each other was when his parents dragged him here on vacation. It always ended well though, his parents would get to spend some time together away from their explosive son while he could spend some time with me. After the second year we met, we started talking and eventually dating around a year ago.
And all of that leads us to my current position, watching a couple boys blow things up in an arena. A boy my age with spiky red hair had just finished up as I wandered around the viewing area with my phone flicking between my fingers. I stopped to lean against the green railing and watch this boy. Red hair, well-built, hero-in-training obviously.

"Please welcome our next challenger!" A smile crossed my lips when I spotted who it was, although my mask covered such a reaction, however not far off to my left a boy was incredibly shocked to see the next challenger.

"Kacchan?!" His voice was high, perfect fit for his small frame and height. The previously mentioned boy swayed onto the grounds of the arena and finished his challenge in fifteen seconds flat. Not even three seconds after he had finished, the red head pointed out to the broccoli boy to my left.

"Hey, isn't that Midoriya in the stands?" So his name was Midoriya... 'Kacchan' looked up and spotted the green haired boy, somehow missing me in the process as he leapt up to the railing like a rabid dog.

"Damn it! What are you doing here, Deku?!" Hm, Deku...oh...this must be the boy 'Kacchan' goes on about, the one he grew up with that annoys him constantly.

"O-oh, h-hi there Kacchan! Maybe calm down a little-"

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" I laughed and pushed off the railing before heading over towards the group.

"Bakugou! Behave yourself!" Now this boy looked familiar, there was a speedy hero he reminded me off, a relative perhaps? My heels clicked against the concrete and I couldn't help but giggle at Bakugou's same angry behaviour. Ignoring the other, I straightened my back, lifted my head and elegantly strutted over to the blond, blocking his view of everyone as his fiery red eyes met mine.

"Hey." Immediately I noticed his calm tone as he swung his legs onto our side of the railing and just sat on the bar.

"Don't try it, there's no way you'll get a better score than I did!" His voice had started to rise and I smirked.

"Let's test that." I hopped down into the arena and stood in the designated starting spot, staring with my hands in my pockets and my eyes closed. As soon as the buzzer chimed I set off my quirk.

"Point seven seconds!! Incredible! Absolutely incredible timing!" The first thing I noticed as I turned my head was the amazing look on my boyfriends face, a look soon fading in an expression of utter love and admiration. I rejoined the group to find the little green haired one shocked and confused.

"How did you do that?? We didn't even see your quirk!" I smiled.

"You've got to have a great amount of observational skills to see my quirk." Just after me, little broccoli went. Bakugou and his red haired friend, who I was told was called Kirishima, stood with me, Bakugou's back against the railing with his arms around my waist as we listened to Midoriya's time be called out. Katsuki turned his head in pure disbelief.

"I didn't think I'd be able to get so close to Kacchan's time-"

"What? No way! I'll go again and blast your score to ash!-" before he could continue, I set my fingertips on Katsuki's jaw and turned his head to face me as I pulled down my mask and kissed him for the first time in months. Katsuki hummed, taking my waist and pulling me that little bit closer to him.

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