Bakugou Katsuki: Sticking up for Broccoli {Part One}

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Begins in middle school will blend into high school.
Also it's a long one!

"Oh, yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A, too, right?" The class fell silent before bursting into laughter, the green haired boy shrinking into his seat and hiding his head under his arm a little more so than before. 

"Huh? Midoriya? No way!" One of our classmates commented, followed by another crude comment.

"You can't get into the Hero course just by studying!"

"Th-they got rid of that rule! There's just no precedent-" My eyes fell onto Bakugou Katsuki as he froze up with regard to the news. Midoriya looked over to me for help but I just gave him an expression of defeat and let the class do what they may. Bakugou's hand hit the boys desk with an explosion, sending the shorter boy to the ground.

"Hey, Deku! You're below the rejects! You're quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?"

"No, wait, Kacchan! It's not like I'm trying to compete with you or anything!" Midoriya scrambled back before hitting the wall. 

"Believe me! It's just, that's been my goal ever since I was little...and well, I won't know unless I try..."

"Whaddaya mean, unless you try?!" Bakugou's hands began to smoke again due to his quirk and Midoriya sent me a look pleading for help again. I sighed, turning around in my seat fully since I sat in front of Midoriya. "Are you taking the test for fun?!" The class loomed around him, silently daring him to speak. "What the hell can you do? You're Quirkless!" Class members were snickering and our teacher was doing nothing about this bullying.

"Bakugou, stop it!" The blonde released his quirk and turned to face me.

"What did you say?" His voice was low and kind of menacing.
"I said 'stop it'. You're tormenting him, he doesn't deserve this." I stood up and headed over to Midoriya, we weren't exactly friends but I do take pity on the boy sometimes, I doubt it's fun to be on the receiving end of Bakugou's anger. I crouched next to him and held my hand out a little, his hand met mine and I pulled him up.

"Thank you." He muttered, I nodded as a mere reply.

"Course he does, he's quirkless!" One classmate snickered, making Bakugou smirk.

"So am I, but none if you torment me, you just pick on Midoriya, it's not fair on him." Bakugou glanced back at me, his smirk faltering a little before returning very quickly, his hands starting to smoke again.

"You wanna join the torment?" I looked down and shook my head. "Then shut up."

"Just leave him alone, Bakugou."

The day came to an end and I happened to poke my head into the classroom to check on Midoriya once more for today and spotted him sat at his desk with Bakugou stood in front of him waving a notebook in his hand.

"We're not done talking yet, Deku."

"Katsuki, what's that?" Another two boys walked in and then I started to get worried for this young boy. Bakugou turned it a little and showed them the front page. "Huh? 'Hero Analysis for the Future'?" I walked into the room and elegantly snatched the book from Bakugou's hand and moved so I was standing behind Midoriya with the notebook in my hands. 

"Stop being horrible, Bakugou, just go home, I'm sure your mom wants you back before anything bad happens." The 14 year old stared at me before huffing and taking his leave, his two friends following as I handed Midoriya his book back.

"Thanks again, (Y/n)..."

"It's not a problem, I just don't like seeing you targeted. I'll see you tomorrow, Midoriya!" I paused just before I left the room, gently holding the door frame. "Oh, and ignore Bakugou, he just wants to be the best, he also doesn't seem to have a brain. Apply to U.A, I know you'll be accepted and you'll do great at that school, good luck Midoriya." And with that I took my own leave, leaving behind a thoughtful Midoriya.

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