Bakugou Katsuki: Amnesia

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As I walked to school, I kept humming this time that had been in my head for years. Hmmm hm hm hm hm hm, hmhm hm hm hmhmhm hm-hm-hm. I had been humming it to myself all the time since I was a child, around four or five...It's always be stuck in my head. The word never really came to mind, but the tune was always there. I had no idea where I had heard it before, but I had...
I smiled when I spotted other students walking passed U.A. High School to reach our own.
I continued to him to myself, having hummed it all my life whenever I walked or did anything productive. I had been in high school for two years now...nearing the end of the second.
An accident had occurred awhile ago, which was why I couldn't remember where the song came from, an accident which had caused me to lose a few memories here and there...mainly a few people in those memories...I remember I used to stop someone from getting bullied, but I had no clue as to who it was and who from...I remember being fairly aggressive when defensive during my middle school years, otherwise I was incredibly friendly and approachable, which was all I was now, friendly and...approachable...I always felt weak because I couldn't remember how to use my quirk or what it was...My dad had told me that I had applied to U.A and was accepted with flying colours...but then during the entrance exam something went wrong and I overused my quirk, and in turn I hit my head pretty hard and it caused amnesia. My father had to admit to the principal I'd be unable to attend, despite the unprecedented potential I had shown during the exams...I woke up in the hospital just before school started up again, having to attend a normal high school. Everyone thought I was just quiet and didn't use my quirk or want people to know what it was...but I wanted to know what it was and how to use it...I was just as in the dark as they were.

I turned the corner, spotting the U.A building. My class had been told to meet in front of the school's gates, despite not attending the school. Upon spotting one of my friends, I waved and hurried over to her. She sent me a smile and greeted me happily, striking up a conversation (with herself but directed at me) about why we could be here. You see, after the accident I was diagnosed with selective mutism. I spoke to people I only felt extremely comfortable around. It's also why I hummed songs all the time. I was comfortable around her, just not enough. I shrugged when she asked why we might be here.

"(Y/n)!" She grabbed my hand and lightly tugged me when I stared spacing out. I laughed to myself as she (Kyouko) pulled me along as the class started moving. We were told this was like any other school day.

"Now listen carefully! The students who attend this school must remain focussed, so you must be on your best behaviour!" Our teacher called out as we walked through the entrance. "Our section of the school building is being renovated and Yueei have graciously offered us a classroom, so upon seeing the principal, you will thank him! Is that clear?" Everyone replied with a mumbled yes while I nodded, the teacher glancing back to me to make sure. She nodded happily. I glanced to my left and spotted a boy with two coloured hair. I tapped Kyouko's shoulder, secretly pointing to the boy, speaking before I realised I was.

"Isn't that Endeavour's son?" Kyo stared at me in surprise before nodding with a beaming smile.

"I think so, Todoroki Shoto, he has two quirks." She has a habit of collecting data on up and coming heroes, it was strange but interesting. I nodded. "But hey, you spoke to me!" I smiled nervously as she bounced while walking.

Upon reaching our designated floor, after our teacher was greeted and instructed where to go, along with other niceties and U.A. students passing us to get to their own classes before being late, we began following the corridors.

"Forward March and here we go..." I mumbled to myself, singing very quietly. "Member's of the agency, Ba-ku-gou-" we walked passed an open classroom door and I felt my face flush massively, seeing the classroom full and absolutely silent. A few students were staring at the door as we passed, but the eyes of an ash blond at the front of the room were wide with curiosity.

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