Todoroki (Y/n): Fighting With Dad

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Spoilers for S4

My siblings and I had always been close, even if they weren't as fond of my father as I was...

Being the eldest child was always a struggle, but it meant that I got to know dad when he wasn't obsessed with hero positions and such. Despite most of my siblings having our mother's white hair, I had fully inherited the fiery red of my father as well as his contrasting ice blue eyes. As a child, I had taken up dance, classical, ballroom, contemporary, ballet. elegantly using my flames as a way of expression myself through music and movement, but once my brother was born, Touya, I had first seen my father on television fighting a villain. I admired him, I wanted to do what he did. As his only daughter, at that point, he respected that I took an interest in dancing. The elegance in the way I used my flames relaxed him. He found it delicate, beautiful. I was his little girl, his first child, even my mother knew I was a little daddy's girl, she found it adorable how much I loved him, both of them. My father taught me how to use my flames if I ever needed to defend myself, and only for that reason, he found my flames too decorative and refined for such a harmful use. My quirk was one which flowed beautifully, creating waves and distinguished patterns with the cause to hypnotise and entice. I was able to produce blood red flames, the same colour as my hair. As time went on I was able to develop my quirk and produce a second flame, the same steel colour as my eyes. My father's love for my quirk grew and I was able to continue my dancing with both flames, conjuring new techniques and movements.

When I gained a younger sister, I thought it'd be nice if I continued to dance, but as a side project, learn to fight properly with the aim of becoming a hero...especially since my father had been working Touya to sickness trying to train him. My mother had grown to despise my father in their married life, but she couldn't leave him. After she had given birth to three other children, Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto, Touya had disappeared. We believe he had died due to exhaustion and our father working him too far into sickness. My younger brother's body seemed to be suitable for an ice quirk such as our mothers, but he gained flames too strong and hot for his body to handle. Natsuo and Fuyumi were given a normal life, not being worked to the bone by him. But when Shoto was a child, mother snapped, burned his face because he looked too much like dad. The poor boy was trained vigorously with an increasing hate for the man. With his focus on Shoto, I was able to continue with my training, even attending U.A. High School without my parents knowledge, following my home studies too.

Shoto was 7, and I was 18, finding myself sat at the dinner table with my family as I announced I had finally received my hero license and was a fully trained hero under the name Lady Akari - with the kanji for vermillion red and white jasmine, my quirk having been called Heaven's fire. My father was ecstatic, my mother worried for my safety, my sister was smiling softly, Touya seemed disappointed and upset, Nastuo was proud and Shoto appeared to be happy for me. I was incredibly close with Touya, so you should know why I was saddened that he was seemingly disappointed in me. He was 16, always looking weak and sick, like mother. We were close knit siblings, but I was blind as to what was happening in the house while I wasn't there...all the training my brothers had undergone...I never knew, I was always so busy... Now that I know what happened in that house, it made sense why Touya would come crying to me or Natsuo asking why he existed, why Shoto came crying in pain to me...all I did was treat him like my upset little brother. Give him some tablets, put him to bed, read him stories with our siblings before going back to my work.

After a year or two as a hero in Japan, I was studying additional courses abroad to further my career choices if I wanted to stop being hero, I was living in England. Natsuo had told me about Touya's death, but wouldn't tell me what happened, I wasn't able to attend the funeral. I was close with all of my siblings, entirely, they were my best friends.

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