Bakugou Katsuki: Sticking up for Broccoli {Part Two}

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I sat in my sitting room, watching my five year old son play around now that Kindergarten had ended and he had nothing else to do. After a couple of minutes, Kaito stopped for a moment and turned to look at me.

"Mommy?" I looked up from the boko I was reading with a hum. "Why don't I have a quirk yet?" My body tensed up when I looked back down at my book, gently closing it and setting it onto the coffee table.

"Honey, grab your shoes and coat. We'll go find out, yeah?" Kaito happily shot up and nodded, running over to his shoes as I quietly followed after him and slipped on my own shoes, grabbing my coat and slipping that on before grabbing my keys and purse. "Come on, sweetie." Kaito pulled open the front door and ran through the garden until he reached the car, hopping into the back seats and slamming the door behind him. I slid into the front and we were on our way.

An hour had passed and Kaito was sat in the X-ray room with the Doctor while I was in the corridor holding my phone to my ear nervously.


"Yeah? Something wrong? I'm about to head out with Kirishima." I fell silent for a second.

"Could you come to the Doctor's office? I think you need to hear about this, and not from me." Katsuki was quiet, muffled talking coming from his end, probably between him and Kirishima.

"We'll be there in ten minutes, okay?" I hummed in approval before ending the call and quietly walking back into the office and waiting for both my boyfriend and son to appear.

It didn't take long for the Doctor to arrive with Kaito and an x-ray in hand. She pinned the X-ray to a lit up board and settled in her seat, motioning for Kaito and I to do the same.


"(Y/n)'s fine."

"(Y/n), I'm afraid if either you, your son, or your significant other were hoping of Kaito having a quirk, it's simply not possible." Kaito stared up at me sadly, taking a hold of my hand as I nodded in understanding. "He's almost six and a quirk hasn't developed, now it is possible he'll develop a quirk later in life, though highly unlikely." I heard my son sniffling beside me, very close to crying but trying very hard to keep it together. I scooped him up and settled him into my lap so he could turn around and hug me, which he did, now silently crying. "My guess is that he won't develop a quirk, his x-ray shows he had two joints in his pinkie toe, which as you may know, is a very clear symbol of quirklessness." I nodded, being quirkless myself.

"I thought a child was more likely to get a quirk if at least one parent had a quirk?"

"More than often, yes, it's very rare that this recessive gene becomes dominant. You seem to have a double recessive gene for no quirk, correct?" I nodded. "And your boyfriend?"

"Quirks, his entire family."

"Now that is interesting. You're son should most definitely have a quirk then." I nodded again. "All I can say is he most likely going to be quirkless for the rest of his life with the minimal possibility of developing a quirk." I nodded again, standing up with my crying son in my arms.

"Thank you." She nodded, patting my son's head gently.

"Don't keep your hopes up, okay, Kaito?" He nodded against my shoulder with a sniffle, still crying. She opened the door for us and as we wandered down the corridor, I was greeted by Katsuki and Kirishima chatting in the waiting area. Kirishima was facing us so he was the first to spot us, sending me a beaming smile and standing up, his smile slipping when he saw my solemn expression and Kaito crying.

"What happened?" Katsuki turned his head and stood up, seeing the same as Kirishima. I sent them both a sad smile, Katsuki sending me a nervous one. "(Y/n)?"

"I'm sorry, Katsuki, um, Kaito asked about having a quirk and why he hasn't gotten his yet, so we came here." Katsuki's nervous smile fell and he bit his lip.

"He's quirkless?" I nodded, Kirishima looking between the two of us sadly. Katsuki sent me a sad smile and gladly took his son from my arms, looking straight in to his glossy eyes. His son began to quieten down, only sniffling now. "You want to know something?" Kaito nodded. "Your mom's quirkless." I stared at my boyfriend curiously. "She's only twenty one." Kaito nodded again. "You know what she does?" he shook his head. "No?" He shook his head again. "She makes hero costumes, for people like me..." Katsuki nodded his head over to Kirishima. "And shitty hair. Just cause you're quirkless, doesn't mean you can't do shit, okay?" Kaito had stopped crying completely and nodded, smiling at his dad. "And hey, you can fight, you'll be fine, you've got Bakugou blood." Kirishima and I finally let that dawn on us. This child was a Bakugou, one member of the hot-headed family, and he was quirkless, oh the trouble he'd cause. I stole my child back. "What the fuck?!"

"You are not teaching this boy to fight. He is not becoming as troublesome as his father!"

"Hey! I'm a fucking delight! The kid'll be fine!" I glared at him.

"Basic self-defence."

"Self-defence and basic offence."

"Self-defence, basic offence and I can teach him about hero costumes and support items." Katsuki bit his lip with a bitter expression.

"Fine. But if he does get a quirk, I'm teaching him offence." I nodded in agreement and handed our son back to him, leaving Kirishima incredibly confused.

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