Takami (Y/n): Graduating

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It was today. Every single part of our high school careers had led up to this exact moment, the moment we'd be paraded through the town with our teachers, and newly handed licenses. The day we were officially heroes, officially pros.

I sat in my dorm room at my desk nervously tapping my foot as I stared into the little mirror sat on the table.
Can I really do this? Can I really become a pro hero? Have I really wanted this?
A knock on my door broke my thoughts.

"(Y/n)?Are you ready? We're all waiting on you..." I swallowed thickly. We were asked not to wear our hero costumes, but suits and dresses that related to our quirks. I stared at the dress laid out on my bed, wondering if I really should. "(Y/n)? Everything alright?" The voice spoke again, gently knocking once more.

"Do you think I worked hard enough?" I asked, still staring at the dress, soon looking down to my lap. "That I really deserve to be a hero?" My door creaked open.

"You're not even dressed..." They smiled sadly with a quiet laugh. "You've worked harder than any of us. If anyone deserves this, it's you." I nodded, looking up to my classmate, another two appearing at my door to check to see progress.

"Come on (N/n)! We're going to be late!" Mina laughed with a beaming smile as she hurried over to my dress, Momo pulling me up with a gentle smile. I returned it. "Sero, grab her shoes! He nodded and searched through my wardrobe for the most suitable shoes for my dress while Momo stole my robe and Mina yanked the dress onto my body over my head. I laughed and shook my hair back into place, Momo quickly touching up my smudged make-up as Mina zipped up my dress. It was this exquisite black, lace gown, long sleeves, which gracefully trailed down my figure before ending just at the floor. Black feathers surrounded my torso like a bandeau top, circling just below my shoulders and above my bust.

I took a deep breath and followed my three classmates down the stairs to the rest of our class. Everyone's outfit resembled their quirk noticeably.

Shoto's was split coloured white and red, much like his hair.
Katsuki's was black, orange lining the lapels of his blazer, as well as being the only colour on his tie. Black shirt obviously.

Eijiro wore a dark red shirt and a black tie, sleeves rolled, no blazer, black trousers.
Denki wore something similar to Katsuki, but a white shirt and yellow not orange. Not only that, but he had white lightning bolts trailing down his sleeves.

Aoyama was in this sparkling baby blue suit, which suited him very much.
Iida wore a sophisticated dark blue suit with a white shirt and black tie.
Uraraka wore a baby pink and black dress that mildly resembled her hero costume, which went down to her knees.
Ojiro happily was wearing a white suit, although similar to his hero costume too...
Koda...I didn't know his quirk very well but it was brown trousers and a dark green shirt and brown blazer.
Sato was wearing yellow and white, quite the statement, I must say.
Shoji and Tokoyami both wore black suits since their quirks were fairly noticeable, dark shadow already being present.
Kyoka wore this beautiful purple dress along with a fitted cropped leather jacket.
Sero? He was simply in black and white.
Hagakure, despite being invisible, wore this gorgeous baby blue, almost white, dress that went down to mid shin.

Mineta, a purple suit.
Momo was in this stunning red evening dress with a plunging neckline.
Mina was in this bright baby pink and white dress that was mid thigh and poofy. Perfect for her upbeat attitude.
And then Izuku was adorned in this dark green waist-coat, black trousers, black shirt and a dark red tie.

I smiled when everyone's eyes turned to us.


"Took you long enough, dumbass." I smiled again, knowing I had formed some great friendships with these people over the past three years.

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