Todoroki Touya: More of a Hero than the Pro's

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Manga spoilers! {Not plot wise}

I had spent most of my life growing up next-door to the Todoroki family, therefore growing close with all of them. When my parents died, both having been pro heroes, the Todoroki family was happy to welcome me to stay in their home. I ended up living with them permanently. I saw Rei as a mother figure while, despite his horrible parenting tactics, Enji was the closest thing I had to a father...However, I still called them by their names. Shoto was this small child that I always felt the need to protect from harms way. It could have been because his mother burned him, or that his father was technically abusive...Natsuo was an absolute gem and took care of everyone, even me, although we weren't exactly that close, although I did also care for him, like a mutual respect of sorts. Fuyumi, she was like the second mother of the family, making sure we ate, or had done homework, even if I was older than her by four years...I'd help everyone with any homework they had while looking after Shoto with Natsuo's help. And then there was Touya. The two of us were the same age, practically obsessed with each other to the point where Rei and Enji had to let us share a room because we'd sneak into each other's rooms. We were inseparable. He was my best friend, and come high school, a love interest. We spent every moment together, and then the waking hour arrived. The day of his 'funeral'. It had absolutely broken my heart to stand there, all dressed in black. Although, it did surprise everyone how quickly I had gotten over it. My little secret? I knew the truth. Once a week, on any given day, at exactly 2:00AM, I would be visited by the progressively scarred former roommate of mine. His skin would be becoming more and more scarred, staples decorating the edges, more and more piercings in his ears and the same three in his nose, as well as his hair gradually moving from red to white, to black. His behaviour never seemed different to me, never in my direction, but I knew what he was becoming, he had informed me of that plan. But, I didn't expect to be involved.

I sat tied to a chair, pouting and chewing the inside of my cheek as I glanced around the room. Despite both of my parents having been born with quirks, I hadn't been gifted with such an ability. Therefore I was always defenceless. This young girl, she looked middle school, early high school, walked into the room, twirling a blade in her fingers. I stared at her.

"What's with all the noise outside?"

She shrugged with a laugh, hopping up onto the counter. We were in a random building up on the third floor. Another person walked in, a man clothed in a black body suit and mask.

"Toga, Shigiraki and Kurogiri want everyone out."

"Why? What's going on?" She swung her legs back and forth.

"Heroes are here, they're starting a raid." The blonde girl nodded, following after the older man in a hurry.

"Hey! Can you at least untie me?!" There was no response, however I could hear the villains outside across the street hiding in an alley, still keeping an eye. The room I was contained in was windowless, leaving the door as my only escape. "Hey!" I felt the floor beneath me begin to heat up. "What the fuck...?"

I began to panic when I caught sight of bright orange flames flickering through the floorboards below me. I rocked the chair until I fell hard enough to break it, ultimately freeing myself. I shrugged off the rope and hurried over to the door, only to reach for the handle and immediately flinch back. It was too hot. I sighed, looking around the room, noticing a small gap in the outside wall. I grabbed a leg of the chair and jabbed it into the hole, essentially digging through the wall enough to notice a certain villain across the street, one that would be more likely to help compared to a hero. I can't call him Touya, I know I can't...

"Dabi!" I called out, causing the man to look around, perplexed. "Dabi!" He stared looking in the direction of the building the more I called his name, scanning the crowd in front of the burning material. "Look up, you asshole!" And so he did, catching a glimpse of the hole I was now slamming my shoulder into to try and widen it, my (h/c) hair being the thing to catch his attention.

"Shit!" I heard him shout, witnessing him strip off his coat, hurrying across the street, through police, civilians and heroes, knowing he's a highly wanted criminal, and running into this building. "(N/n)!" I heard his voice ever so faintly down a few floors. "(Y/n)! Answer me!" I could hear him growing more frustrated and frantic.

"Third floor!" I called out, trying to step off the burning or burnt pieces of flooring, so I wouldn't fall though to the second floor. I heard a door slam open on the floor below me before someone ran into a wall or something.

"(N/n)!" The amount of heat and fire in this room was becoming too much for me and I decided to sit in the corner and stay as close to the floor, in the corner as I could, staying quiet due to the burning in my throat. "Come on, Baby! I need you to answer me!" Moments went by and I heard a sound in front of the door, the door to the room next to be already having been shoved in.



"Touya!!" There was a moment silence before I witnessed the 27 year old bust in a door with his shoulder.

"Hey gorgeous, I need you to follow the wall over to me." I nodded, shuffling t my feet, however losing my footing ever so slightly. Just as I did and the floor beneath my foot slipped away, Touya grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him, pulling me into a long awaited embrace. He placed his coat around me to protect me from any more of the flames, guiding me to the quickest exit, that being the front one that he came in. Immediately heroes and police made moves to approach. "Back the fuck away from her!" Touya held out one of his hands, already lightly ablaze with his quirk. As Endeavour made a move to approach too, Touya became even more defensive, gently pushing me behind him. "You can step away, she stays with me." Touya stood in a loose fitting white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, while I still possessed his coat. "You're the one who set the building on fire, you're the one who could have killed her, not us, not me." I felt his free hand find mine and immediately link with it.


"Little Mouse," I straightened up at his old nickname for me. "Just listen to me." He turned to face me, looking down slightly because I've always been shorter than him, and always will be. "Keep the coat. I'll find you again, eventually, okay?" I nodded a little, my eyes never leaving his. Before I knew it, his lips had met mine in a sweet but passionate and meaningful kiss. "I love you, Little Mouse, remember that." I nodded with a smile, whispering and I leant up and quickly kissed him again.

"I love you, Touya, I always will." I smiled as Purple and black smoke appeared behind Touya.

"I'll find you, don't worry, I always do." And with that, he stepped into the mist, disappearing with it.

"(Y/n)!" Endeavour growled, I just poked my tongue out at him, clinging to the coat and walking home to my apartment.

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