Todoroki Touya x reader: High school

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I know he was 16 (I think) when he 'died', but I'm just going to up him to around 18.

I hummed to myself as I wandered through the school building in the middle of the night. Despite it being a hero school, we really had a lack of security on campus...
I shook my head and took a few turns before walking up the stairs and onto the building's roof.

"Hello." I greeted sweetly, recognising a slightly older boy leaning against the railing, his arms folded on the metal. He turned his head and I was quietly greeted by his piercing blue eyes, and deep voice. My smile faltered ever so slightly at the sight of the newer bruises littering his face and arms, which joined the newer scars on his skin.

"Hey." He greeted quietly. My expression fell fully and my arms fell from behind me to my side. I approached him and stood beside him, looking out over the school grounds.

"What happened?" Touya's eyes followed me as I spun around, resting my back against the metal bars.

"What do you mean?" He looked back out over the campus, both our voices fairly soft at the time of the night, in order to not disturb the peace.

"Your hair, your skin..." His skin was littered with fresh bruises and scars, even fresh burns. His bright red hair was slowly turning white, only the ends were still red. A small smile crossed my lips, encouraging and supportive, this boy knew I wanted to help him in anyway I could, that I loved him. Touya just shrugged.

"Just some stuff at home." My demeanour immediately shifted into something darker and I stood a little straighter.

"Your dad?" He nodded, glancing to me as I looked down to the floor at my feet. "He's still pulling this shit? Even after you got into Yueei and became one of the most promising students?" Touya just shrugged, releasing a sigh with a low chuckle.

"Who cares, I'm going to 'die' soon anyway." I tilted my head in confusion as he turned around, gently taking one of my hands in his and turning me to face him. "You have to trust me when I say I'm going to come back."

"You're going to fake your own death...?" Touya nodded, lightly lifting my hand above my head, spinning me so my back was to him and looping his arm, linked with mine, over my stomach. He rest his head on my shoulder, his free hand planted on the railing in front of us.

"Come with me." The, slightly, older male whispered in my ear, gently swaying his body with mine in the light breeze, as though we were dancing with the silence under the night sky and the stars that littered it.

"Why are you faking your death..?" I asked cautiously. He wanted to disappear, but why? What was making him do this?

"To escape..." He muttered, a smirk playing across his lips as they tenderly brushed across the skin of my neck. "Make them feel what I felt, what I feel..." I sucked in a deep breath, my eyes darting across the area in front of me, the scenery, as my hand remained linked with his.

"Why?" I whispered. "What did they do...?" I wasn't quite sure who 'they' were yet, but I had a sneaking feeling.

"They pushed me until I broke...I want to do the same to them..." He paused for a moment, allowing me enough time to piece things together. They pushed him...until he broke...? His dad? All of the training? The teachers?...Hero society... "I want them to watch the world burn around them." He whispered in my ear, the tone in his voice shifting into something more sultry and sinister.

"You want to be a villain, in a world of corrupt heroes..." I felt his lips gently press against the crook of my neck, followed by the feeling of him nodding.

Boku No Hero Academia OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz