Shinso Hitoshi: Little Train Incident

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I tried to steady my breathing.

Our entire school, including pro heroes, had been on a massive trip out of Tokyo to a more rural up country location, as a way to relax since our exams had finished. From what us second and first years had found out, this was a yearly thing to celebrate the third years graduating and getting their full hero licenses. The first and second years would attend the trip but would need a teacher with them most of the times or follow a sort of schedule, having to pay for the trip too. However, third years got free trip, fully paid for by the school as an award for all of their hard work and the work they will provide for society in the future, not only that, but they received complete freedom to do whatever they wished whenever they wished on the trip. 1st and 2nds had to have gender split rooms, only girls in rooms of groups of two to four, the same for the boys, while Third years could go and share rooms with whoever they wanted. Complete freedom.

Said trip had come to an end and we had been travelling home on the train, our years mixing and mingling as we adventured through the train cars. But...something had gone wrong during the night as we journeyed. Villains would be a better explanation. Our train was on an overpass, like a bridge over roads, but for trains. Some of the train had slipped off the tracks and therefore off the overpass, landing on the road below. Those students and teachers had been severely hurt, almost everyone had, making us all too weak and broken to use our quirks. I was unlucky enough to one of the fourteen students in one of the dangling train cars. In the on swaying dangerously over the edge, there was five of us, in the one mostly on the bridge was the other nine. I tried to steady my breathing as I hesitantly opened my eyes to see blood and carnage throughout the car. I released a shaky breath, noticing who the students I was with were.

Shinso Hitoshi from year 2's general studies. He was precariously trying to stand up on the backs of two of the trains seats, probably the nearest person to me, despite the seven metre gap. Shinso had a split on his forehead, causing blood to drip down his face, over one of his eyes.

Kaibara Sen from class 2-B. This boy was possibly the closest to the door of the next car, pulling himself up onto the backs of some seats so he wouldn't slip down to where I was. There was blood and small cuts covering his arms and face.

Ashido Mina, from my own class, 2-A. She was also nearer to the door, laying bloodied and bruised on two of the seats, scared to move in fear of the train car falling or unlatching upon any movements. That made four of us.

Just between Mina and Shinso was another student from 2-B, Monoma Neito. His quirk could only copy other peoples quirks, so even in this situation he wouldn't have been useful. He was looking around, perched on seats too, looking for whoever else was in the car.

"M-ina..." I looked up the car and noticed the pink haired girl looking at me with wide eyes. "The glass is cracking-" I screamed as the train car jolted, Mina whimpered, slipping a little as the car swayed dangerously.

"Just try and stay still, okay?" Mina sounded scared, while I was trying not to cry, looking below me through the cracked window of the door I was laying on. It was quite far down...I hope everyone in those cars are okay... "We'll get out of here, I promise, (N/n)." I nodded and smiled weakly. I felt something dripping down my skin, assuming it was tears since it was near my eyes, but when I looked, sitting up slightly, I noticed a small puddle of blood starting to form. "(Y/n), stop moving!" My classmate hissed, hearing something shift up by her.

"Kaibara!" The black haired boy looked down in our direction. "Can you get that door open?" He shrugged at Shinso's question. "Well try! Be careful!" He nodded, rising to his knees and trying to pry the door open. "Ashido, try and pull Monoma up to you." She nodded, letting her arms fall so she could try and reach the boy. He managed to grab her hands. The door fell open into the car, still attached to the hinges. The sudden movements shook the car massively, Mina slipping from her position up high, only for Monoma to grab further up her arms and pull her into his little nook. Something fell from by the higher door, falling straight down to me and slamming into the door. The door lost its grip.

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