Bakugou Katsuki: Christmas Party

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I laughed, standing up from the couch where I had sat with Mina. I sent her a smile as I wandered upstairs to change into something a little more Christmas party appropriate. Rummaging through my wardrobe, I pulled a dark red, long sleeve dress and slipped it on, slipping on a pair of black converse. I may be a teenager, and I may like to dress nicely on such occasions, but wearing heels around a group of crack-headed 17 year olds just didn't seem smart, especially with Denki and Mina being in the same room. I wandered back down into the common room of the dorms, passing no one, cause everyone was downstairs. Contrasted to my usual hairstyle, tied up, my hair was down and neat, light make up decorating my face.
I re-joined Mina on the couch, Jirou having joined her after I had gone upstairs. 

"(Y/n), you look great!" I smiled brightly at Jirou's compliment.

"Thank you, so do you!" She smiled softly. 

"Oh! I heard Uraraka say that Aizawa is actually letting us have alcohol on school premises for tonight's party!" Mina beamed, getting up from her seat. "I'll be right back with some drinks." I nodded, Jirou sitting on the actual couch now, instead of perching on the end. 

"So how are things going with Momo? Any progress?" She shook her head. 

"Not quite...we've gotten closer, but I'm still convinced she likes Todoroki." I shrugged with an encouraging smile, lightly setting my hand on her arm.

"Try and talk to her tonight. You had her for Secret Santa, right?" Jirou nodded and I smiled, leaning in and whispering. "I'm sure she'll love what you got her-"

"Who did you have?" I leaned back in surprise, suddenly becoming a little flustered.

"O-oh, I had Bakugou..."

"Oh, how do you think that's going to go?" I shrugged, more nervous than anything. 

"I have no idea. We're not very close so I didn't know what to get him. I had to ask Midoriya..." Jirou stared at me in surprise, her jaw dropping out. 

"You asked Midoriya, for a gift idea for Bakugou?!" Her voice came out hushed as she said their names. I shrugged. 

"I would have asked Kirishima, but he's too close to Bakugou, he would have told him I got him for Secret Santa! Midoriya is too scared to tell him, plus they grew up together..." I glanced across the room and saw Midoriya talking and laughing with Todoroki and Iida. His eyes caught mine and I sent him a thankful smile. He nodded, going back to his conversation. "I'm going to go check on Mina, she probably found the drinks and is collapsed on the floor." Jirou laughed and nodded. 

"I'm going to try and talk to Momo." I pat her shoulder with encouragement before heading over to the kitchen. 

"Mina?" I called out, waiting for her response, however I spotted her leaning against the kitchen island talking to Kiri and Kami. I leant my shoulder against the door frame, staring at her in curiosity. 

"They ignoring you too?" I turned my head and found Bakugou leaning against the other side of the double doorway. I nodded, still not quite sure how to communicate with this usually angry boy. "It's fucking Christmas, the least they could do is not fucking ignore us." I nodded in agreement. 

"Mina said she was going to get drinks, didn't come back."

"Shitty-hair said the same." I giggled, catching the boys attention and making him shift his gaze from the three over to me. I stared at the group softly, loving how we were all together on Christmas. 

"It's nice how most of us decided to come back here this evening..." I rest my head against the wall, wrapping my arms around my stomach. 

"I guess." Mina glanced over to us, I sent her a small smile and wave, Denki's eyes widening and pointing something out to Mina, Kirishima smiling brightly and staring at us expectantly. 

"(N/n)~ Look what you're under~" I looked up and shrugged, Bakugou doing the same. 

"A ceiling?" Mina shook her head, still smiling. 

"And~?" I just stared at her, Bakugou sighing when he noticed it. 

"Dumbass." I felt a hand grip my waist and spin me around, pulling me into someone as their lips met mine. My body straightened in surprise, my eyes wide, and my hands pressed firmly against their chest. Ash-blond and fiery red eyes caught my attention. Bakugou...
I heard Mina squeal, her mouth being covered by both Kirishima and Kaminari. I watched as Bakugou relaxed just as I did the same, both his arms slipping around my waist while my hands slipped from his chest to loop around his shoulders, one hand resting on his jaw. In the kitchen, I could hear the three, Tsuyu, and even Tokoyami, gasp in surprise. My lips moved in sync with Bakugou's, feeling him smile the tiniest bit. We pulled apart and I gently hit my head on his shoulder. 

"What the fuck just happened...?"

"(Y/n), just...Bakugou just...They just...oh my god..."

"(Y/n) finally had her first kiss!!" Mina screamed at the top of her lungs, jumping up and down in glee, announcing the fact to our entire class. 

"Really?" I felt Bakugou's chest rumble as he spoke and and I hesitantly nodded, pulling away from him and looking down a little. "Your first kiss, is me?" I nodded, looking down and away from him, glaring at Mina as she shrunk back in apologies. Bakugou chuckled, making me turn my head to look at him. He had this beaming attractive smile on his face. His arms slipped around my waist again and pulled me into him, looking down to me in a way no one ever had, lovingly. "Then I can be your first everything." My eyes widened in surprise, Mina gasping like she was suffocating in the kitchen, also sounding like she had just started choking on air. 


"Let me be your first everything...Then I won't need a damn weed for me to kiss you." His smile softened, resting his forehead against mine. I smiled and nodded slightly, his lips gently pressing to mine. 

"What the fuck?! She gets her first kiss, and a boyfriend within the span of five minutes?!"

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