Bakugou Katsuki: Meeting the family

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"Yo Bakuhoe." I dropped onto the couch beside the usually angry hedgehog. Today he was a little more chill, his head tipped over the back of the couch as he stared up at the ceiling.

"What's up?" My brow furrowed and I leaned into him, narrowing my eyes to see if he was actually okay.

"You okay? You're not being an angry little hedgehog today..." He nodded and I raised an eyebrow. I switched to standing on my knees and leaning my hands on his arm to look at his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Seeing if there's something wrong with you. You'd have sworn at me by now and you haven't." Katsuki looked at me with a small smirk.

"In that case, fuck you."

"There we go." I pressed my lips to his and settled in his lap, my arms resting on his shoulders. "Anyway, Good morning." He chuckled and pulled me down to him, kissing me again.


"Morning resident lovebirds." Katsuki flipped off our dormmate and I just laughed to myself, turning and spotting Kirishima, Denki and Sero.

"Good morning, boys. Sleep well?" The three just grumbled and headed to the kitchen to grab some coffee or something. "How sweet." My arms wrapped loosely around his neck and I let my head drop on my arm and his shoulder, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"Hey (Y/n)! Hey Bakugou!"

"Hey Mina. Sleep well?" She nodded with a smile and followed after her three male friends into the kitchen. "Hey Kitty?" Without thinking, the boy in front of me hummed. "You let me call you Kitty!" The blonde groaned and tried to bite my arm, if I didn't pull it away.

"What do you want?"

"Can you come with me somewhere today?" After a few moments of thought, he nodded. I smirked. 

"What did I just agree to...?" My smirk remained and I sat up straight.

"Hey, Yo Kirishima!" Said red head walked into the room with a cup of coffee and a smile, seating himself on one of the other couches

"You get him to agree?" I nodded and he laughed, feeling pity for the poor boy.

"Fucker, what'd I agree to?" Kiri bit his lip to refrain from laughing and looked away, Denki, Sero and Mina walking in.

"Yo, he agreed." Mina hissed, cringing back at the sentence spouted to her, Sero and Denki cringed.

"Good luck mate." The two muttered and dropped beside our spikes haired companion.

"You just agreed to meet her parents. Can't say it's fun, and I'm a girl. Even Todoroki had a tough time." I glared at my pink friend, Katsuki doing the same.

Casual, my parents had demanded everything be casual. So here I sat in their sitting room in a pair of light grey shorts, black tights, an off the shoulder white sweater and red converse. Sat beside me on the couch was Katsuki, black T-shirt, black jeans, black converse.

"My parents aren't that bad, everyone thinks they are, but they aren't." I took my boyfriend's hand in mine, shuffling closer to him. "I promise." I kissed him.

"(Y/n), who is it this time?" Both parents took a seat on the opposing couch. My parents were classic people, no TV, a family room/sitting room instead, finely decorated...kind of irritating I guess.

"Bakugou Katsuki. I'm your daughter's boyfriend, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." My eyes widened at the formality but my father shook his hand, as did my mother.

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