Takami Keigo: And so the Apocalypse Begins

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At this point in our society, none of us were enjoying ourselves, even the villains found the situation profoundly disturbing. A form of plague had swept over Japan and was now spreading over the world. A plague a large generation had been prepared for, but didn't actually expect to arrive. Not too long ago, a laboratory toward the edge of Tokyo had been...playing...with virus' and testing them on animal subjects, when those subjects showed no changed, human testing was approved. It is will great regret and sorrow that I admit that I was one of the scientists who partook in these experiments. We had managed to create a virus animals could survive, but once human testing began, the virus began to mutate. The biggest
problem with the virus was that we were completely unaware of the effects and outcome.
In the middle of one night, this piercing shriek was heard, followed by a large amount of glass shattering. Scientists were given quarters, ones they'd share with a colleague. When my roommate and I had peeked out of our door's window and saw this creature tearing another of our colleague's flesh from their muscle and biting down on them, we knew we had severely messed up. My roommate, Miketsu, had pulled an alarm which sent our facility into lockdown, and everyone was trapped inside with the mutated virus and the human experiment subjects, which we believed this creature to be one of.

Over time, we remained in our room with our adjoined kitchen and bathroom, no daring to leave in fear that harm would come to us. We had further discovered that the bitten colleagues would become one of the creatures after a few days, just after the internal organs had begun to decompose. There was blood staining the walls and floors, our room probably being the only immaculately clean one left in the building. We decided to test that theory. Each employee was provided with a work mobile with everyone's contacts in it, so our plan was to create a group call and see who else would answer, so we could find out who else was alive.
I pressed call, Miketsu and I sitting patiently on her bed. I heard ringing down the hall, and someone picked up when it had stopped.

"(Y/n)?" Miketsu and I shared a relieved sigh, looking down at the screen to see who had answered.


"Are you okay? Safe?" I hummed in approval.

"Yeah, I'm with Mik, we locked ourselves in our room. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Kenzou and I did the same. Have you two got enough supplies?"

"Yeah, enough for another week, food wise, water's still working, so is electricity and heat. What about you and Ken?"

"We'll last a while. Do you know if anyone else is alive? Or are we the last ones?" Mik and I shared a look. Conveniently, the four of us were from a generation obsessed with the undead and how to survive such an apocalypse. We had all been in the same class during high school, grown close and ended up getting jobs together all at the same place.

"We don't know, but I think we've managed to create a zombie virus." The two boys were silent, both soon sighed.

"How the fuck did we manage that?" I heard Ken chuckle, probably ruffling his hair.

"I think the better question is how did it mutate in a human, but not an animal?" Miketsu spoke and I stared at her.


"Maybe the virus never mutated, maybe it was a zombie virus all along, it just doesn't affect animals?" Everyone was quiet, all four of us hearing shuffling down the hall. It took four and a half minutes for the shuffling to become distant and then cease.

"We need to get out of here." Hisashi whispered harshly, we all agreed. "We've all watched zombie films, grab a bag and pack necessities. Make, or get, a weapon, we don't know if quirks will work or not on them, or if they can use quirks." We nodded with a determined hum.

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