Bakugou Katsuki: Best friend's friend

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My best friend from middle school and I had stayed in contact since we had left middle school, we were both now in our second year of high school. I had received a message not long ago from her that her recent boyfriend had cheated on her with a girl from my school. I knew of this before hand and happened to be the one to tell her, with much sorrow and regret when I heard her crying on the other end of the phone. I had met her boyfriend a few times, so when I started seeing him turn up to my school and wait by the front gates, I kept an eye on him, grinding my teeth harder than anything when I saw him kiss another girl.

My best friend's name was Mina Ashido, and she attended a high school designed to train the heroes of the future, U.A.

It was a week after I had told Mina, and I had been notified that she had just told her male friends, so I took my chance to head into town. I knew her boyfriend's route simply because I had been keeping an eye on him. I waited in the middle of a back street he took as a short cut. I stood with my legs shoulder width apart as I held the two ends of my aluminium baseball bat behind my neck. I had zero tolerance at this point for this boy, he'd played with her heart too many times.

It wasn't long before I spotted him making his way passed me, his back to me. He was walking towards this group of four boys who were blocking that end of the street. Upon spotting them, he turned around, which was when he noticed my aggressive ass stood twirling a weapon in my hand, smirking sickly as I made eye contact with him.

"You won't do shit." He approached me to walk passed me. "You're a quirkless mess." I clenched my jaw and as soon as he was close enough, I swung the bat right at the side of his knee. Once he was down on his other knee, I slammed the bat onto his unharmed leg's ankle before kneeing him in the face, hearing a satisfying crack, letting me know his nose had broken.  I circled around him as I spun the bat in my one hand.

"It's because I'm a quirkless mess that I know how to fight like a psycho." I tossed the bat up enough (Jasper in Twilight vibes) before catching it and swinging it to collide with the side of his head, still leaving him conscious, but now laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood and broken bones. I grabbed his hair and lifted his head. "Break her heart, or anyone's ever again, and the next time you see me will be in hell." I let a swift kick to his stomach break a few ribs before watching him pass out from the pain. When I looked up, I saw the four boys again. Yellow hair, blond hair, red hair, and black hair. I approached them, grabbing the yellow haired boy's red tie and pulling him in the direction of their school. The other three followed in scared silence.

I let go of his tie when we reached their dorm. I nodded to the red head and he opened the door. Sat in the common area I saw this girl with bright bubble gum pink hair with puffy red eyes.

"(Y/n)?" I smiled, releasing the boy's tie and raising my arms for a hug, she ran up to me and did as expected. "You live the other side of the city, what are you doing here?"

"I heard there was a problem." I raised the bat when she pulled away, finally noticing the blood on it and me. "Came to deal with it, found these four in the process." Mina sniffled with a smile and a light laugh.

"They're the guys I was telling you about. Kirishima, Bakugou, Denki and Sero." I nodded with a smile, not a smirk, a smile, a very sweet one. "Guy's, this is (Y/n), my best friend from middle school." I waved, hiding the bat behind me.

"Sorry you had to see that." The blond shrugged and passed me with a small smirk, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Was kind of hot." I felt my face head up and looked to the pink girl beside me. Her tears had dried and her eyes were wide.

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