Bakugou Katsuki: Dance

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As I rounded the corner to head towards my high school, I screamed, almost walking into someone. I placed a hand on my heart with a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry for screaming." I bowed slightly in apologies. I looked up and realised it was a group of students from another high school. The uniform belonged to a prestigious hero academy, Yuuei High School. My eyes widened and I apologised again. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." I bowed again, but felt a hand on my head. I lifted my head with the most innocent and confused look, finding the hand to belong to someone I knew quite well.

"Just move out of the way." I nodded and stepped aside, closer to the wall beside us all. "And stop apologising." When I tilted my head, I nodded with a soft smile.

"Wow, Bakugou didn't insult someone for once..." His red head friend stated in surprise.

"You guys go ahead, I'm gonna deal with this damn extra." I saw a soft smile cross the blond's lips as his friends continued passed him while he remained with me. He stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets, standing up straighter so he could tip his head to look down at me. "Why are you late." I poked my tongue out at him. "Do that again and I'll rip your tongue out of your mouth." I giggled at his empty threat, making Bakugou smile.

"You haven't been around recently, made new friends?" His smile faltered and he looked over his shoulder at the two people who had previously passed us. A boy with spiky red hair and a girl with pink hair and pink skin. He looked kind of guilty. "It's fine, really. You've got your life and I've got mine. We're pretty different. I'll see you round." As I turned to walk away, I felt his hand grab my wrist. I turned to face him again.

"I'm sorry, I'll be there tonight."

"You need to, we're in the finals. And she's making us do it." I sent him a smile, waiting for him to release my arm before both of us finally headed off to school. I had know Bakugou for years. I hadn't gone to the same school's as him, or anything like that. I have simply been in the same out-of-school class as him since around middle school. We used to be together two days a week, for two hours each day, increasing to three and then four as we grew older. I knew Bakugou had hero work at Yuuei to do and training, but I couldn't help but miss him, I didn't see him much anymore because of all his hero stuff. After twelve years, he began showing up less and less and I had the chance to have a new partner or go solo, so I chose solo. The whole event tonight relied solely on Bakugou turning up.

School was out and I was sprinting with two bags. One school bag and a duffel gym bag over my other shoulder. I almost ran into someone again, quickly dodging them and calling back an apology as I caught a glimpse of dark green hair.

I arrived at the venue to find a few other performers from our group here, all except one. I quickly changed, apologising to my teacher for my usual tardiness. She sent me a questioning look and I shrugged, not knowing if Bakugou would be coming.

I took a deep breath and positioned myself on the stage, panicking. Other class members were getting set up behind me.

"No Bakugou?" I turned around to face Kier. I sent him a hesitant smile along with a shrug. He sighed, shaking his head at Mik, she groaned. Kier was testing the light contraption while Mik was setting up the sound system. "You know if he's even coming?" I shrugged.

"He said he'd be here tonight-" Everything was set up and I was in a set of normal clothes instead of my school uniform. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my teacher bite her lip and nod to the announcer, already having lost enough time.

"You have one minute forty to complete you time slot from when your music begins." Mik was about to press play as I leant against the wall at the back of the stage, but I noticed the doors slam open at the back of the room. They walked down the aisle between all the seats in a pair of ripped black jeans and a black t-shirt, soon settling their right arm on the wall beside me, leaning against it as the music began. I smiled and began dancing.

I was smiling the entire time and whenever Bakugou was close enough, I could see his happy smirk as he danced with me. When we were face to face, he was beaming like an idiot before settling as we danced separately. He had a taunting smile when his finger sat under my chin as we both stood up, the dance become more flirtatious between the two of us, not that anyone could tell. As we began, we ended against a wall. Me against it with his arms caging me in. My arms had looped over his shoulders and we were both smiling like crazy. I looked down with a laugh before Bakugou made me look up, gently placing his lips on my own as the last few notes played. A lot of people actually come to see these short dances, so there is a small drone that follows the dancers so those at the back of the room can see the performance more clearly.

"You came." I whispered, a smile still on my lips.

"Well, yeah, I'm not letting you do this on your own and look like a dumbass." He quickly kissed me again before dragging me offstage to Mik and Kier.

"Well done guys, that's quite the applause you got out there." Mik agreed.

"Oh, (Y/n), here's your bags, you should probably get home." I thanked her and grabbed Katsuki's arm, pulling him towards the back exit.

"The old hag keeps asking about you." We had been walking in a comfortable silence for twenty minutes. I hummed, playing with the bottom of my sundress. "Keeps asking why you haven't visited." I smiled, looking up as the sun began to set. "You want to come over?" I nodded as Katsuki stuffed his hands into his pockets.


I had returned to my own apartment after having visited Katsuki and his parents.

A few weeks later, there was a morning I had prepared for school, yet still ended up leaving the house late. That morning, I ended up running into the same group as yesterday. The girl with pink hair was the one to catch me as I ran around the corner, running into her.

"Sorry, and thank you!" I bowed to her and smiled, straightening my uniform. "You must be Mina, I'm (Y/n), Katsuki told me about you guys." She nodded with a beaming smile, smirking when she turned her head to see a mopey Katsuki. I smiled, excusing myself from the girl. "Hey Suki~" He turned his head with a bored expression, an uncharacteristic smile slipping onto his lips.

"Hey." Katsuki stood up straight as I went over to him, his hands sliding out of his pockets before snaking around my waist. My hands settled onto his jaw and he pulled me fully against him. I lightly pressed my lips to his, causing him to smile.

"Kirishima," the red head and Mina looked to each other as she spoke. "Did you know Bakugou can dance?" Katsuki's head snapped over to the two of his friends.

"The hell you just say?" He growled and I shook my head with a smile.

"Yeah, it's all over the internet at the moment. U.A. Top student in dance competition."

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