Amajiki Tamaki: Butterflies

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Yes, my boyfriend was one of the shyest people you would ever meet.
Yes, he gets flustered easily.
Yes, he's quiet.
And yes, I agree, you'd expect this boy to be Sub, and he was...most of the time. Literally I'd be sat there quietly doing my homework with him and then boom I'm laying on my back with his hands wrapped around my wrists pinning them down, his legs either side of me and his lips on mine. Within minutes he was usually grinding on me while I had my back arched trying not to yelp, whimper or moan. Other than that he was like a little puppy, the cutest thing that just loved to be cuddled up to me when I played with his hair. Although during class and outside of the dorm rooms I knew he wasn't a fan of PDA cause of his being shy and all...

Speaking of during class...
The bell rung, signalling all students to make their way to class, four of us thirds years though would be making our way to a first year's classroom. I played with a strand of my hair as we walked, well more so Mirio talking with Tamaki while I was giggling behind them with Nejire. It kinda sounded like the two of us were drunk.
"Nu! That's not right!" I paused to giggle. "If anything Bakugou has the most promise in 1-A!" Another giggle escaped.

"Got to admit if I was in 1-A again I'd probably end up liking that Todoroki or Midoriya kid." With a thoughtful finger to my lips, I shook my head.

"Still Bakugou...Oh! Or maybe that Kaminari, hell maybe even Kirishima..." In front of me I saw Tamaki turn his head slightly as another giggle left my throat. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders from behind, jumping so my legs wrapped around his waist. On instinct his arms hooked under my knees to keep me up as I pressed a kiss to his cheek, said cheeks flaring up red. "But I'd still choose Tamaki, even if he was a couple years older than me." The indigo haired male turned his head enough to quickly peck my lips without Mirio or Nejire noticing. "He cooooooooot!" We had a running joke in the group of how flustered Tamaki would get around me (mainly), so we joked that he liked me. Turned out he did, I liked him, we started dating in second year, Mirio and Nejire are still yet to find out cause they'd tease us and so the joke still lives and now its gone even further where I 'act' as if I'm flirting with Tamaki and that I'm his girlfriend...Little do they know...Little do they know.
I was set down when we finally arrived outside of the necessary classroom, Aizawa calling us in as if sensing our presence.

"These are the big three." The class looked at us weirdly considering there were four of us. We stood at the front of the room. Tamaki, me, Mirio and Nejire. My hand was linked with Tamaki's so he would go into his little inner freaking out self, our hands tucked behind us enough that it didn't look anything like physical contact. "Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki." A certain ash blonde boy spoke up from the back, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Who's the other chick?" I sent him a smile accompanied by a small giggle, causing a small amount of pink to tint his face as I tipped my head to the right slightly raising my shoulder.

"I'm (Y/n), I'm more of a healer and moral slash emotional support." A little pastel pink butterfly flew over to the angry hedgehog before landing on his shoulder. His physique visibly relaxed as the small insect disappeared. He nodded and let us third years get on with it. My boyfriend gave my hand a long squeeze, meaning a warning. He knew what every part of my quirk was and pink butterflies tended to be attraction, but considering how small the butterfly was the effects would only last a few minutes.

And so the group were outside fighting Mirio, finding out his quirk and why he was one of the best hero students. Towards the end of the period the girls were all huddled around Nejire and I talking about our quirks and the work experience thing that they would soon get to experience. The boys with Tamaki and Mirio based on simple impulse to be away from the girls. However a lil green haired boy had wandered over to us with curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

Boku No Hero Academia OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora