Todoroki Touya: Stuck in the Mall

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I sat against the glass wall, my legs in front of me as I tipped my head back, staring up at the ceiling, my forearms resting on my knees as I played with my fingers and nails. I had forced into a glass cage of sorts by villains. At the top of the ceiling to floor cage was a small hole which allowed air in, although it lead somewhere else in the room. I wasn't even in the League of Villain's base. I was in a glass cage, in the middle of a quirk cancelling building, a mall, in the middle of town. People had ignored me because they believed it was some art piece. It wasn't until a little girl got close enough to the glass that she noticed the purple, green, yellow and blue marks on my neck, oddly resembling a hand. I noticed her presence and shifted my gaze to her. Her eyes widened at the sight of my skin. Burns. Bruises. Cuts. There was blood trickling down over my eye from my forehead. I couldn't be bothered to wipe it away. The one thing that shocked her about my appearance wasn't the blood and gore, or the light stab wounds across my body, it was the gentle smile I was giving her. She just continued to stare at me, beautiful light blonde hair that cascaded to the middle of her back, the cutest fringe naturally grown, her hair perfectly straight. She had dark brown eyes, like dark chocolate, paired with flawless peach skin. A worried expression didn't suit her adorable face. I shook my head, silently telling her I was okay, that she shouldn't worry. I had been here all of last night, already having tried to break through the glass all night. I had finally given up when the mall opened this morning and shoppers started to flood in. I had been sat in the same position ever since. The glass was very thick. I should break through it and nobody could hear me through it, meaning I couldn't hear people through it very well, only muffled sounds and voices. This little girl was in a cute pale blue sundress and had on the cutest floppy hat and sandals. And then I was sat covered in my own dried blood in a pair of high waisted skinny jeans, a men's t-shirt - cropped, a dark flannel (sleeves rolled), and recently unlaced converse. My phone was smashed beyond repair, so I couldn't call my friends or family, or for any help. I couldn't ask this small child for help without typing it out, or scaring her by writing it in blood on the glass. I could lip read and I saw her turn to her mother.

"Why doesn't she use her quirk to get out?"

"It's a performance piece, sweetie, human art." She smiled at her daughter from the fountain not very far away from me. The child stared at me hopelessly. I shrugged, sending her a smile.

It was around 17:00, and this child had decided to sit on the ground in front of me to 'keep me company'. She had this piece of paper she would write questions on and then press it against the glass for me to read, usually with yes or no answers or shrugs. Her last question, before her mom scooped her up, was what my quirk was. I tapped my throat with a shrug, pointing to the darkening bruise that had damaged my vocal cords, causing me to be unable to talk, or use my quirk. She pouted, following after her mom, but turning to offer me a quick wave farewell. As the mall emptied out, I was left alone for another night.

I fell asleep in the same position, leaning against the wall, until a sound at 6:00AM caught my attention. Someone had opened the doors to start the day. At 8:00 customers flooded in. 16:00, the young girl, early middle school, and her mother returned, a second adult in tow. An ash-blonde woman. I recognised her immediately, sitting up straighter as the child sat cross-legged in front of the cage again. We had our question and answer's again. And then when 18:00 came around, the two women stood up. When the girl got up, I sat up on my knees, my heels touching my ass as I slapped the glass, frantically. The young girl turned around, seeing me as I pounded on the glass. She lightly tugged on her mother's hand, causing her to look down at her daughter, the second adult, the blonde, followed the young girl as she tugged her mother in my direction again. The ash-blonde's eyes widened, finally recognising me. She rummaged through her bag and immediately dialled a number. Not long after, she hung up and knelt in front of the class box with the young girl. Mitsuki, Bakugou's mom, was this her niece that I had been talking to? She looked like her. More people had begun to gather around the box to see what was gong on. The box wasn't too big, or claustrophobic, but I was crying anyway, scared that no one would get me out. I felt something cold pressed against my throat. Mitsuki looked more scared then anything. I had been living with her and her family for years...Adoption system...
I froze, lowering my hands from the glass and carefully tipping my head back to see a small blonde middle schooler and a purple misty portal. Her blade was pressed against my throat. She lightly skimmed my throat enough to draw blood so it would trickle down my front, but not to kill me. She smirked before stepping back through the mist as it disappeared. Mitsuki, and the child looed mortified. The young girl shuffled closer to her mother while Mitsuki was working on hitting the glass. I rose a hand to my throat and felt the blood with wide, scared eyes. I forced my hand to press against the wound so I wouldn't bleed more than I already was. The blood slipped through my fingers, but had slowed down. My vision began to grow hazy and my breathing grew shallow and unsteady. I san, back to my sitting wall and sat against it, leaning my head against it as I pressed on my throat, silently crying. The muffled sound of a phone ringing broke through the glass, Mitsuki searched through her bag, quickly pulling it out and answering it.

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