Aizawa Shota: The Training Camp

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I shook my head with a sigh as I stared across the athletics area, spotting Aizawa testing the newest class in the hero course, 1-A. Peering around the same corner I was, was the one and only All Might, keeping an eye on the class and their homeroom teacher.

"From what I can tell, you can't control your Quirk, can you? Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?" I groaned a slipped out from my hiding place and did a funny little jog up to the underground hero, taking his arm in both mine as he groaned and tipped his head back to stare at the sky, it was obvious he was sick of me already. I smiled brightly at the class. "Why are you here?" My elbow dug into the man's side making him flinch a little as I greeted the class.

"Hello! I'm (Y/n) Aizawa, also known as-" I saw Shouto sigh, inwardly groaning a little, making me smile.

"The underground-hero, Zombi, she has duel-quirks, Brain-washing and Cremation." I waved to the little green haired boy.

"Precisely! Welcome to U.A, by the way, and congratulations on getting in!" My fingers slipped under Shota's sleeve a little and my nails started to press into his skin. "And I really must apologise for the tasks you've been put through with such a cruel ending punishment." Shota pulled his arm away from me when my nails dug deep enough to start to leave a mark or draw blood.

"Wait, you said your name is (Y/n) Aizawa...Sensei, does that mean she's your-"

Shota interrupted the child speaking, a young round faced girl.
"Yes." He sighed. "She's my wife." And he even sounded sick of that.

"Shota, may I speak with you in Private? I'm sure All Might would be happy to emerge from his corner and oversee the rest of the lesson." The pro-hero emerged like I had said and agreed to over watch the children as I dragged my husband away and up into his classroom. "Shota! You can't do that! You chose to marry me! Don't sound so disappointed about having done that!" I whined, tugging on his arm and linking my hand with his.

"(Y/n), you annoy me most of the time." I pouted and looked down. "...but I tolerate you because you're a great hero..." my smile began to grow a little and I looked up to him hopefully, my chin resting on his shoulder as he looked away from me, more so out of the window. "...and I've been stuck with you since we were at U.A..."

"Oh come on Shota! Just. Admit it! You love me! Please!" He sighed and turned to face me, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Fine...and I love you. If any villains find out I married you, I'm leaving you to them."

"Shota~! Come on! You wouldn't leave your adorable wife to fend for herself, would you?"

"Shut up." He quickly pressed his lips to mine before the class returned and I smiled, enjoying the fluffy moment my husband had presented me with.
"Mike!" (Me-Kay) "Mike!" I grabbed my 7 year olds wrist and forced her to turn and look at me as I quickly took a look around. My eyes finally met hers and I crouched down to her height, taking her hands in mine as I spoke. "Do something for mommy, okay?" She nodded, her expression playing with the feelings f nervousness and fear, I gave her a loving but worried smile. "I want you to run to the buildings we came from, as fast as you can, and find daddy. Can you do that for me?" She nodded again, glancing behind me and growing increasingly scared. "Look at me." My voice was soft, catching her attention and making her look at me. "Tell daddy that mommy needs some help, tell him where you came from, okay?" She nodded again, frantically, almost crying. "Don't talk to anyone, don't stop for them, even if they need help just keep running until you get there, okay? We don't know what kind of quirks these people have." Another set of nods.

"Mommy, they're coming, they're running." Her voice was quiet but still audibly scared. I glanced behind me to see someone turn the far corner and reach the area we were on as they spotted us, I whipped back around to Miketsu.

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