Traitor (Y/n): Government Human Experimentation

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I stared in shock horror at the class in front of me. All of my classmates were grouped together, glaring at me, ready to use their quirks, defensive beyond belief. I looked to each of them, trying to find a single friendly face. Even the nicest people had grown defensive and turned against me.

"We know you're the traitor, just admit it." I swallowed thickly and took a small step back when Bakugou stepped forwards. I took another step back when Kirishima stepped towards Bakugou. My eyes were wide with fear. I was scared...of my classmates...

"(N/n), you didn't have to do this..." Mina spoke softly as the wind blew passed us all. We were in front of the school by the gates. I had been cornered while we had been instructed to go to Ground Beta. 

"I-I didn't do anything..." I breathed out, scared to death as to what they would do, what the teachers and heroes would do when they found out about this. What they'd do to me if they really did believe I was the traitor. 

"Then why are you stepping away from us?" Todoroki spoke and I shifted my gaze to him, adamant on insisting that I wasn't the traitor, the fear an panic ringing in my voice.

"Because you're scaring me!" I saw in the corner of my eye Denki hesitate, avoiding looking at me...with guilt. I let it sink in for a moment before I finally realised. Denki was the traitor...I carefully looked across the group, seeing the same look on Midoriya's face...and Uraraka...Todoroki....I looked up at the school building and saw familiar purple hair staring down at the group with a smirk. Even Shinsou?
I grew dejected, looking down hopelessly with a sad smile, tearing up. I looked behind the group and saw Aizawa, Mic, All Might, and Midnight leaving the building to approach the group. I took in a deep, shaky breath, taking another few steps back. 
"Hey...don't do it...please..." I saw Bakugou's hands spark, other student's quirks flickering to life. I took another step back, but my foot slipped on a rock. I looked down at it as I stumbled back a little, immediately catching myself before looking up to my classmates. I noticed some were talking to teachers, which set me on edge more. I looked around them and turned on my heel, running off campus.

"What the hell?"

"Only a traitor would run. Follow her."

I had been sprinting for a while, teachers now having involved other pro-heroes. 
I peeked out of the alley I was hiding in and saw no one, so I hesitantly walked out into the street, cautiously looking around, until I heard a voice behind me. 

"(Y/n)." My whole body froze in place in fear. I hesitantly turned around, finding the current number 1 hero, Endeavour, accompanied by number 2, Hawks. I relaxed, knowing there was no more running. "You are to be taken into the custody of the Pro-heroes, and put into interrogation. Do you understand?" I nodded, giving up on everything now. I knew what they were going to do, my mother had been subjected to it when the heroes thought one of their own was feeding information to the villains. 

"Y-yes." I choked out, refusing to meet either of their eyes. I felt a hand grip my hood, tugging me along through the streets and back to a police station. 
I was physically forced to walk the corridors as Endeavour continued to pull me along by my hood, Hawks just behind us.  Other pro-heroes were here as well as students who were damn certain I was the traitor, meaning almost everyone. 
I was settled into an interrogation room, my hands cuffed to the table. After ten minutes, the door opened, revealing Hawks. 

"Hey kid." I forced a quick greeting smile, staring at the table as I slouched in my chair, playing with the chains of the cuffs. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, then I'll hand you over to the other pro's depending on your answers, okay?" I nodded, looking up as he sat across the table from me.

"I like your wings..." As he opened a file, he sent me an amused and curious look. "They're like my mother's were..." Hawks adjusted his position to listen to me speak. "They're very beautiful..."

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