Bakugou Katsuki: Dare

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Disclaimer: Characters are in their third year!

I had been given the wonderful dare, by my fellow female class/dormmates, to try and get Bakugou to notice me in a way where he wouldn't insult or yell at me. I took a deep breath and followed after Bakugou, Kirishima and Sero as they left the school building, heading towards the dorms. Everyone else in the class following not long after because, well, we were all heading to the dorms. I walked with Sero, talking to him and laughing while Kirishima was walking with Bakugou.

After everyone had been to their own dorm rooms, changed and returned to the common area, I waited just opposite Bakugou's door to see whether he was coming down or not. When I witnessed him leave his room, I felt my chest tighten, knowing I'd have to do this now.

"Bakugou." He glanced at me before stuffing his hands and phone into his pockets, deciding to head over to the stairs again since I had stopped him. I bit my lip, knowing I may regret this. "Katsuki." He looked over his shoulder at me, glaring ever so slightly since he never really let anyone call him by his first name, including me, the only other person he let get close to him, as a friend, aside from Kirishima. He was getting too close to the stairs. "Babe." I didn't want to have to do this dare around everyone else. My voice was fairly high at the moment, trying to get his attention in a sweet way. His glare intensified a little before he continued walking. "Baby?" I started to walk after him with a little pout and innocent eyes when he almost passed Shouji's room. "Darling..." I frowned, knowing I was not going to succeed in this dare and would have to do the forfeit. The forfeit was not a choice right now, I have to finish this dare.

"Okay, seriously stop..." Bakugou began to descend the stairs, but I knew I was finally getting to him.

"My love~" I teased with a smile, standing at the top of the stairs while he stood where the stairs turned to go toward the common area. He whipped around to face me, shouting, while I just stood there and smirked.

"(Y/n), seriously, knock it off-!" I heard the girls 'oooh', getting up and coming over to the stairs when they heard Bakugou yell, preparing to give me my forfeit.

"Daddy~" I sighed blissfully, daring to make eye contact with him as I spoke and smirked. I felt my face flush a little as my voice had dropped into a daringly seductive tone.

Bakugou's words were cut off by what I was wearing and what I had said, my hair completely natural and neat for once, compared to how I usually had it in a messy up-do, all of the time. A seductive smile crossed my lips, a few people daring to climb the stairs a little to see what was going on. I stood in a fitted, black dress, ending just above mid-thigh, simply decorated with a subtle orange cross trailing around my upper waist under my bust, the orange outlining the missing back of the dress, off the shoulder, long sleeves, and black heels. I was willing to take this dare as far as I could to get it completed and avoid that dreadful forfeit. As out of character as it was, I saw Bakugou's face redden ever so slightly, but then something clicked in his head, and he started to ascend the stairs with a smirk.

"What'd you just call me?" My smile faltered and I lost a little bit of my confidence the closer he got to me. I took a step back, and then another. "You're backing out now? What'd you call me?" My back hit the wall which separated the corridor from the stairway.

"I-" Bakugou was stood in front of me, smirking victoriously because I wouldn't say it again. I bit my lip, pouting. Just as he was about to pull away, I smirked and whispered so only he could hear me. "I called you daddy." I leant back and rest my head against the wall, Bakugou growling.

"My room, five minutes." My eyes widened before he walked off back to his room. Mina and Jirou stared at me in surprise from the middle of the stairs. I felt my body relax as I fell to my knees. I shrugged when the two silently asked me what just happened.

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