Todoroki Shoto: Raised by Villains

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This is 5800 words long, I'm sorry it's quite lengthy

I was being tugged through the silent high school corridors by three military personnel. My hands were restrained in cuffs, longer chains connected to them as well as the metal collar around my throat, also with longer chains attached, these leash-like chains were used by two of the military personnel to keep me restrained and at bay. Finally I had a human muzzle strapped around my mask, like that green haired kids hero costume. I had previously attended a non-hero school, but ended up getting into a little trouble for being too aggressive after the first year and a half, so the higher ups decided it'd be best if I was under hero supervision everyday, choosing to send me to a hero school and put into the hero course. My quirk was a little more difficult to explain compared to other people's quirks, which could be explained quite simply. My quirk caused me to be much more aggressive when I felt threatened, or in any kind of danger. It caused me to be naturally sadistic, and tease with my aggression. It gave me wolf like reflexes, which is also where the aggression came from...but also heightened all my sense, like that of a wolf, which I got from my father, although I didn't have the ears or tail...but I did have canines sharper than the average person, which usually showed when I smiled or smirked, etc. The part that was difficult to explain was that both of my parents were villains, but no one knew they were my parents, and my mothers quirk kind of mixed with my dads...leaving me with my dad's quirk, and my mother's ability to turn invisible and her flexibility.
The two guards tugged on the chains to keep me nearby as the third knocked on the classroom door before opening it.

"Good morning, Aizawa." I saw the teacher nod to the brown haired woman before speaking.

"You can bring her in." I wasn't brought into the room, I was shoved into the room, stumbling a little before being tugged upright by the two guards, I bit my lip with a snarl, sending a glare back at them.

"Tug it again and I'm ripping your throat out!" I hissed, staring the one who tugged dead in the eye. He just glared back at me.

"You're dangerous enough, that's why you're here, under hero supervision, you're a killer." I smirked, tipping my head over my shoulder to look back at the brunette, smirking as I licked across my teeth, showing the blood gently spilling from my tongue due to how sharp my two canines were.

"You'd know all about being a killer, wouldn't you?" I poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue, chuckling to myself. She stayed quiet, nodding to the two guards. They both yanked harshly. My eyes snapped to the male of the two. "I warned you!" I lunged for him, the other guard pulling me back as soon as my teeth were bared, even if I had a muzzle on. I stood in cargo pants, military style boots and a black, long sleeved, crop top. My hair was tied up in a high ponytail. I whimpered at the force they pulled back, causing me to stumble again. I stood up straight, staring at the floor as the two dragged me over to an open seat. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, slouching in my seat as I rest my arms on the desk, tapping my relaxed fist against my fingers.

"You can leave her here, she'll be fine with us." The guards nodded, dropping the chains, leaving them attached to me and walking out of the room with their commander. Aizawa sighed when they left, getting back to teaching.

During the lesson, I just zoned out and stared out of the window. It was the middle of spring and all I could see drifting passed the window were these pale pink petals, occasionally seeing a bee. The sky was a bright blue, and the clouds contrasted perfectly. When class came to an end, I saw a figure stood in front of my desk. I turned my head and noticed it was the teacher, Aizawa. We stared at each other. He took the seat in front of mine since everyone had cleared out.

"All the teachers here have been told about your situation." I slouched again and went back to staring out of the window, still listening though. "I want you to tell me why you've been put under hero supervision and why you were in the military's custody." I sighed, chewing my lips and staring at the students leaving the school building. We were almost done with the second year of high school. I shrugged, watching students socialise with each other, something I'd never been able to do without being aggressive, so I had refrained from doing it at all, ending up being the 'quiet kid'. "(Y/n), you need to tell me, I need to hear it from you or we can't help you-"

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