Bakugou Katsuki: (Band Au) Break-Up

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"Su!" I called out, wandering through the building in search of my bisexual roommate. "Suki~" I sang his name, poking my head into every room until I heard a deafening silence echoing through the house. Usually Bakugou had music on blast in his room, or he'd be in the garage practicing on his drums with mic...or even just in the kitchen humming, but there was nothing in the house, not a single sound except my own voice and footsteps. My happy demeanour fell and I headed over to his room, lightly knocking on the door, listening out for any sort of movement. I heard slight rustling within bedsheets and a quiet groan of annoyance. "Katsuki? Is everything okay?" I heard another groan, although mixing with a whimper. I frowned, lightly pushing open the door. The first sight I was presented with was a red, puffy eyed young adult sat on the edge of his bed, looking over to me sadly. "What happened?" He shrugged, patting the spot on his bed next to him, so I sat down, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and petting his hair while he rest his head on my own shoulder. The ash blond swallowed thickly, supressing his urge to cry.

"Kirishima..." I'd never heard him call him 'Kirishima', only 'shitty hair' or something similar. I remained quiet, letting Bakugou continue in his own time. "We're not seeing each other anymore." I smiled sadly, resting my head on his.

"I'm sorry to hear about that, you guys were cute together."

Bakugou nodded, shifting so his head was resting on my thighs, my fingers fiddling with the big mop of hair on his head.


Katsuki and I decided on going out for a while, to a bar we used to play at. We, being our band...Katsuki - drums, I did guitar with Kaminari, Kirishima was vocals...etc, we arrived and seated ourselves as usual, noticing something peculiar about the scene around us. I nodded over to the stage, noticing Kirishima and Denki. Denki was holding an electric guitar, and Kirishima, a microphone.

"You ready?" The red head turned to the yellow haired and I shared a confused look with Katsuki. "That makes me-~" Denki shredded on the guitar before playing the right chords, turning the song rock. "~crazy~ You make me crazy~ That makes me crazy~" I leaned across the table so Katsuki could hear me.

"We can go home or somewhere else if you like?" He shook his head with a small smile.

"It's fine, we'll stay here." I nodded, sitting back down as the drinks we ordered earlier arrived.

And now months had passed by. Since Kirishima and Bakugou broke up, it had been about a year. I had helped him get over his heartbreak, distracting him, giving him space when he needed it, messing around, hanging out with him...

"Suki! Hurry up! We have to meet the others!" The roommate in question trudged out of his bedroom with his drumsticks in hand and I shook my head with a small giggle. I slung my guitar case over my shoulder and followed him out of the door.

Our entire walk we were laughing and happily chatting, something surprisingly out of character for my companion. The group was already on stage, preparing for the concert.

"One more time-" Kirishima and Denki sang as I strummed the suitable chords and Bakugou hit the right drums at the right times.

"Thanks for the memories-" Katsuki cut in and I shared a look with Sero, severely confused. "Thanks for the memories-"

"What's going on?" I shrugged, continuing to play. "Does Bakugou usually sing?" I shook my head, missing a chord because I was being distracted. I swore under my breath and quickly fixed my mistake. "He's looking at Kirishima..."

"See, she tastes like you, only sweeter~" I swallowed when the blond looked at me out of the corner of his eye. I switched my gaze to my fingers, focussing on my chords.

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