Kirishima Eijiro: Little Pebble

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I slammed open the main doors to the 2-A dorm building. No one really paid any mind to the sound. Now, I didn't usually enter this building, mainly because I stayed in the 2-B building, because I was in 2-B.

"Daddy!" I called out, pouting in frustration.

"What?" A voice responded, bored, although I didn't know where from, so I decided on using a bit of echo-location.


"Princess." I followed the voice, a few people looking over to me and where the voice was coming from.

"What the fuck...?" I heard the familiar growl of Bakugou, Class A's resident angry boi.

"Daddy...?" I rounded a corner and found a few boys, the usual group my boyfriend hung out with. They were all playing a card game, some checking their phones every now and then, dressed down in comfy clothes.

"Yes?" Kirishima sighed a little more aggressively than I expected.

"Daddy!" I heard him exhale a chuckle as I approached the group.

"Yes, Princess?" I poked my head over the couch as he tipped his head back to look at me.

"Hi!" I smiled brightly, causing him to smile softly.

"Hi." His voice was gentle, but still had some of that morning huskiness. I could tell he was still tired, maybe even half asleep.

"I love you." He lifted his head up a little and pressed his lips to mine.

"I love you." I smiled and quickly kissed him again.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, Pebble. What brings you by?" I chewed the inside of my cheek, avoiding looking at any of his friends.

"Um, I needed to talk to you..." The group stared at me. "In private."

"Shitty hair, what'd you do?" Bakugou laughed, but Kiri's smile fell, sitting up straight and turning to face me.

"Is everything okay?" I took a deep breath and nodded with a forced smile.

"Y-yeah, but I do need to talk to you." I shrugged innocently and awkwardly. "Please...?" Kirishima set his cards and phone down, standing up and coming over to me, telling his friends that he would be right back. He set a hand on my lower back as he guided me out of the room and up to his dorm room.

"So, what'd you need to talk about?"

I kept hitting the heels of my hands together, lightly punching the palm of my hand and carefully cracking my knuckles as I tried to find the right words. At 17 it was hard to tell someone this sort of thing, especially since we were both so young.

"Well, um, you see, um," I sighed, really not knowing how to say this, my hands tapping nervously against each other. "We have a, um, situation..." There was a moment off silence.

"What do you mean?" I fiddled with my fingers a little more, chewing on my lip, looking anywhere else in the room. Kiri lightly took my hands in his so I wouldn't fiddle so much. "(N/n)?" I took a deep breath.

"You know a couple weeks ago? When I was over here? And something happened?" Kirishima nodded with a flushed face. "Um, well, something happened."

"(N/n)...what happened?" I could see worry begin to fill his eyes and I swallowed thickly as he gently let go of my hands.

"You know how you call me Pebble?" He slowly nodded, growing increasingly more worried. "Um, how would you feel if there was a call Pebble?" I watched Kirishima swallow nervously.

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