Takami Keigo: Helping Little Brother

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I work as a Pro Hero and this one year, I was invited to judge or view the U.A. Sports Festival. I sat closer to the arena than most pro heroes, but I noticed something during the awards ceremony.

That day during his middle school years, I had been one of the hero's to respond to a villain attack, one Bakugou Katsuki was subjected to. A villain had begun to envelop the boy, restricting all movement and most of his access to air. Since then I knew he could keep himself safe, that he didn't want to experience that again, or want anyone else to. That day this boy looked terrified when being attacked by that mud, swamp villain. When he was freed from its grasp, he had been gasping for air as I handed him a bottle of water, the only Hero to actually check to see if he way okay. Since then, I checked in on him and his family, becoming a form of verbal release to the boy. He wouldn't out his feelings about that day to anyone other than me, and from those talks, I had found out he was fairly traumatised by the experience. He hated being physically restrained, despised it since that day. A sort of PTSD, you could say.

I stood up in surprise when the winners of the festival were revealed. My hands were planted on the metal railing as I stared wide eyed at Bakugou Katsuki....A heavily restrained and masked Bakugou Katsuki. I clenched my jaw and followed the stairs and corridors into the arena grounds. He was thrashing in his restraints, trying to pull himself free of them. Most people assumed he was angry or something.

"Pro Hero Fae has entered the arena!" My eyes remained glued to the boy, his wife eyes fixating on me as I waltzed over to the three podiumed boys. I pulled myself up onto the third podium and unbuckled the mouth guard other pro heroes had adorned him with.

"You okay?" I whispered, he nodded ever so slightly, looking down to his feet as he panted. I then moved on to the restraints on his hands, 'magically' drawing out the screws until the metal box fell from his hands.

"She appears to be unrestricting Bakugou!"

I whipped around. "Will you shut up, Mic?!" My voice echoed around the arena, causing the hero to fall silent.

"She doesn't usually yell, does she?" I heard him mutter to Eraserhead, the hero seated next to him. Finally, I removed the leather straps binding this boy to the large concrete pillar behind him.

"How are you feeling? Better?" Bakugou nodded and I ruffled his hair a little. "Good."

"Thank you."

"No problem, kid." I smiled before hopping down as Bakugou rubbed his wrists, standing calmly compared to his former thrashing around.

I slapped Mic, Aizawa and Midnight round the back of the heads as I walked passed them.


It wasn't long after the sports festival had ended that I was approached by other pro heroes.

"(Y/n)!" I turned around, spotting Mic and Midnight, followed by a quiet Aizawa. I hummed. "What caused you to removed young Bakugou's restraints?" I recognised the voice as All Might's as he appeared behind the usual group of heroes.

"The Sludge villain incident." The group stared at me, unsure of what I was on about. "Bakugou was attacked at the end of middle school. The sludge villain enveloped him, restricting his movement and breathing. Bakugou was thrashing around like that because being tied up and chained like that reminded him of that day." I shook my head, looking directly at all might. "After rescuing civilians, we're supposed to check they're okay, it's part of our job. All Might, you may be number one, but the reason I'm paid more than you is because I work overtime in checking up on the victims and helping them recuperate." I sighed, adjusting my clothes, civilian clothes. "Bakugou was traumatised by that incident, and you brought that experience back. In my eyes, I can't call you a true hero, those children in Aizawa's class, they'll all be true heroes, not like you." And with that, I walked away, heading in one direction, with a mission.

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