Izuku Midoriya: Aizawa's Daughter {Part Two}

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Since school had been switched to online, due to...a raging...pandemic...and my father had to teach, but with two constantly challenging teens in the house, he couldn't quite do that without interruptions, aside from the little gem herself, Eri. Therefore Rynn and I had been tagged onto someone else. Izuku sat on the floor, his back against his dorm room bed while I was laying on my stomach under the covers on his bed, flicking through social media. Rynn was downstairs in the dorm's common area, doing god knows what. Izuku's laptop sat on the carpet, his camera on so his teacher's would know he was actually paying attention, something every student had to do. I switched my phone off, tossing it onto his desk and face-planting into the pillow to try and sleep since I had nothing better to do. I could hear a pen scratching against paper and I groaned, soon noticing him muttering to himself again.

"Izu~" I whined. The boy ignored me. I lifted my head and glanced over to him, noticing him enticed by this class, quickly jotting down notes as he listened to his teacher. He was wearing headphones, so at least I couldn't hear his entire class. Once he finished writing, I lightly nudged his arm with my socked foot. I wore socks to bed, I wasn't a monster. I was also wearing no shirt, cause my socks made my feet warm, which made my entire body warm...leaving me in a sports bra, and a pair of Izuku's cotton shorts, which went down to my knees, fitting me perfectly. He lifted his head and sent me a smile, turning his head away from his laptop. "You're muttering again..." The broccoli sent me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry." He chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head. I shook my head with a smile, rolling onto my side and trying to fall back asleep. "Let me know if you get hungry, we'll get some food." I replied with a tired hum, playfully, and gently, poking the small All Might plush that beat beside me, lightly fiddling with pieces on it.
Just as I was about to fall asleep, I shot up, sitting up with wide eyes. "(Y/n)?" I didn't answer, just telling him to shush as I listened out carefully for something.

"I'll be back in a bit..." I slowly stood up, letting the blanket slip from my legs.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry." I ruffled his hair as I walked passed him to the door, walking between him and his laptop. I made my way out of the room and followed the corridor to the stairs and down to the common room. "...Rynn?" I called out carefully, looking for my best friend. I continued walking around the ground floor. "Rynn?!" I still couldn't find him. "Rynn!?" I peered outside and spotted the silver haired boy in his usual casual attire. I stared at him curiously, approaching the door, as a young woman our age was stood in front of him, a note in an envelope was hidden behind her back. She was quick to pull it from behind her and offer it to Rynn with a bow. Rynn glanced behind her, at me. I shrugged. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, and he looked like the situation was really really awkward. I quietly opened the door and stepped outside, after having obviously collected my shoes and put them on. I nodded for him to take the letter. He smiled nervously, thanking the girl and gently taking the note.

"Uh, thanks?" Neither Rynn nor I were good with confessions or relationships, because it never happened. "But...um...I'm not really looking for anything right now..." The girl stood up straight and I recognised her as the black haired girl with the creation quirk. She was actually quite pretty...
The two had a small conversation before the girl turned around to head inside, finally spotting me. I sent her a wave and a smile before heading over to Rynn.

"Confession?" He nodded, still holding the note, but soon stuffing it into his pockets.

"Why'd you leave his room?" I shrugged.

"Something felt off, I've never reacted faster to something before."

"What do you mean?" I shrugged again, looking around the outside. My eyes caught on to something.

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