Bakugou (Y/n): Back to Life

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I stood in front of their graves, my messenger bag slung over my shoulder. I stared at the writing on the stones. Tears were gradually falling down my cheeks. I collapsed to my knees. There was snow everywhere, gently decorating the graves in the cemetery. There were a couple other people in the area visiting deceased loved one. My tears grew and I began crying more, starting to sniffle before letting out quiet pained sobs. They began to grow louder.

"You said you wouldn't leave...You promised m-e-" My voice cracked as my hands planted on the ground in front of me, my head soon touching the snow. "You promised to stay...with all of us!" When my emotions were strong, my quirk went haywire. I squeezed my eyes shut. "You asshole! You break every promise!" I looked up when a hand gently touched the top of my head. Kneeling in front of me was the owner of the grave I was visiting. My sobs stopped, but my tears didn't. "Kat...suki...Please...come back." His expression was heartbroken, especially when he looked behind me and saw two women staring astounded at me. "We need you both back...we miss you both, so much..." I noticed to his left, a small green haired boy leaning against his own stone with teary eyes.

"We can't (N/n)." Midoriya spoke and I pouted.

"I-I could use my quirk! Please! You're mom's haven't stopped crying, I haven't stopped crying. Everything is so peaceful...we're all broken without you. Uraraka, Kirishima! We're all tearing ourselves apart because we miss you!!" The two boys shared a look, regretting their previously reckless decision which had landed them here. "Even Todoroki misses you Katsuki...please...let me..." The two looked at me and then over to their mothers. "You weren't supposed to die this young! The two of you were supposed to reach the top, have families!"

"Why do you think that?"

"It's my quirk...I can see the dead and when they were supposed to die...I can conjure them! And if there death was recent enough, I can revive them so they live until their real death date....Please! You weren't supposed to die!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and whipped around to see Mitsuki and Inko.

"They're gone, (Y/n)." I shook my head, knowing they couldn't see them.

"They're not...I can bring them back...I just need them to let me!"

"(Y/n), lets get you home...-"

"Mom-" She shook her head.

"You're as persistent and stubborn as your brother was. Come on."

When we got home, I sulked in my room, emptying out my bag onto my bed and putting everything back in its usual place. There was a little piece of paper. I opened it and read it.

If we weren't supposed to die...Do it...

I stared at the writing, recognising it immediately.

"Mooom!" I screamed, excited and scared. I hurried out of my room and into the sitting room where mom and dad were. "I can do it." They stared at me, confused. "I can bring them back, they're letting me." My parents shared a look, worried for the turn they believed my mental health was taking.


"I can do it! And I'm going to!" I grabbed my bag and bolted out of the house, running straight for my friends houses. First stop, well...everyone...I sent a mass text to our old class, since we were all 19/20 now, to meet me in the cemetery.

"(Y/n), what are you doing? Why are we all here?" Shoto sighed, shivering in the cold. I whipped around from staring at the graves, showing them my beaming smile.

"We're bringing them back."

"They're dead, (Y/n), we can't bring them back, you should know this-" I cut Kirishima off and shook my head, adamant on doing this.

"I've been working on my quirk, and I think I can do it. I was talking to them earlier! They're letting me do it!"

"I think you need some sleep, (N/n), you sound delusional..." Mina added and I shook my head, clenching my teeth. Why won't they believe me?

"I can do this, please let me." The group shared glances, Uraraka and Kaminari approaching me to take a hand each, trying to gently lead me away from my brother and childhood friend's graves.

"Let's get you home, your mom's probably worried..."

"I swear I can do this!!" I ripped my hands from theirs and took a step back, bumping into something for a brief second before falling flat on my ass.

"Did...Did anyone else just see that?" Iida spoke, Kaminari and Uraraka staring at me in surprise.

"Was that...Deku?" The brunette spoke, mild fear and hope in her voice. I could always see the dead, even without trying.

"Y-you saw him? You saw him?" I looked up to Midoriya who was just as shocked as I was. "They saw you?" He nodded frantically.

"I-I made eye contact with her-" I clenched my jaw in determination and pulled myself up. I turned to face the graves, looking straight at my brother and Midoriya.

"Ready?" The two swallowed thickly, nodding ever so slightly. "Katsuki, use your quirk when you can't see me, okay?" He nodded, the fear in his eyes increasing a little.

"You sure you can do this? This won't go fucking wrong?" I shrugged, making him terrified, Midoriya panicking.

"Midoriya," I swallowed. "Do the same, okay?" He nodded. "You'll feel weak and you'll ache'll still have your injuries..." I added, the two sharing a look as I took a deep breath and hovered my hands over the dirt of their graves. My fingers brushed the dirt as I focused on every random sound around us, even my friend's breathing. A faint grey glow mixed with orange and green emanated frim my palms. I buried my hands in the loose dirt in the process. After a few seconds, which felt like hours, fingers curled around both of my wrists, neither using their quirk. My eyes shot open and I shifted so I could wrap my own fingers around their wrists, gritting my teeth. "Kirishima! Help me out! Follow my left hand and grab my hand!" I spoke frantically. He followed what I said, after a second of hesitance. His head whipped over to me and he gripped Midoriya's hand as I let go, grabbing my brother's with both on mine and pulling as hard as I could to prevent him suffocating in the dirt. My hand touched open air, meaning Katsuki's did too. I dug my other into the ground and grabbed his other hand, pulling even harder. It wasn't long until I saw very dirty ash-blonde hair, Kirishima enlisting the help of Uraraka and Iida, while I got Kaminari and Todoroki to help me. The boys took a hand each and began pulling as best as they could while I was digging just around the hair, finally seeing piercing red eyes. "Everyone back!" I shouted, scrambling back as both boys activated their quirks, freeing themselves from the dirt before pulling themselves out properly. Katsuki was laying on his back, staring up at the sky, one hand felling around until he grabbed my shirt and yanked me towards him, pulling me into a massively uncharacteristic hug, a tight one at at that.

"Thanks, dumbass."

"Hey! I just brought you back to life and you're insulting me!"

" I said 'thanks'!" He defended, breathing heavily.

"I'll go find some pro's, maybe recovery girl! Sero! Come on!" Mina shouted, sprinting out of the area with Sero.

"You two are always arguing..." We sat up, carefully and saw Midoriya sat up with a pained smile.

"Thank you, (Y/n)..." I smiled, pulling him into a quick hug.

"I hope you know your mom's aren't going to let you out of their sight for a while." The two shared a smile and shrugged.

"Who cares? We'll be home."

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