Bakugou Katsuki: Cheating Accusations

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I looked up from my phone as my boyfriend walked into the room. I was perched on my bed, happily reading an email and sending him a welcoming smile. My smile faltered when I saw the serious look on his face. Dead serious, borderline furious.

"Katsuki?" I asked cautiously as I stood from my bed and approached him, leaving my phone on the desk. "Everything okay?" He stared at me, clenching his jaw.

"Why'd you do it?"

I was more than confused, swallowing the saliva that had built up in my mouth because of nerves.

"Do what?"

"You fucking know what!" My body straightened up at the sound of his voice raising, it was the one thing he never did with me.

"I don't, tell me what I did!" I pleaded, my eyes begging him to stop yelling.

"Yes you fucking do!" I caught a glimpse of his palm sparking ever so slightly. I took a careful step back.

"Katsuki, I promise! I didn't do anything!"

"You fucking cheated! I know you did!"

My eyes widened in shock of his accusation, my voice becoming quiet when I spoke.

"What?" My boyfriend tensed his jaw, gritting his teeth as he huffed. He was so much more angry than usual. I was growing increasingly scared. "I-I didn't, where'd you hear that??" Katsuki never answered. He just continued on screaming at me about how I had cheated, flying into a fit of jealous rage. Things were thrown or knocked over in my room along with parts of my walls being scorched because of his quirk. Earlier, I had tripped and fallen flat on my ass, my hands holding me up as I stared up at my boyfriend, terrified. I hadn't bothered to try and explain because he wouldn't let me, I couldn't get a single word in.

The door opened behind him. Tears were welling in my eyes as I backed up towards the fallen chair behind me.

"I hate everything about you!" Katsuki shouted. "Why do I love you?!" My body was shaking and I couldn't bring myself to speak in fear of making this worse than it already was.

"Bakugou!" The voice called out, incredibly surprised by the scene in front of them. Due to the dark room but bright hallway, I could only see a silhouette of a person, although as familiar as the voice. Three years at this school living in these dorms and I still could barely recognise people by their shadows. "What the hell are you doing?!" That wasn't a student...was it? Katsuki turned around, his eyes alight with rage while his palms were flickering. I caught a glimpse of yellow and black hair...followed by red peaking over their shoulder. The second person's eyes widened, noticing the state of the room.

"What happened in here?" Their eyes wandered the room, soon landing on my prettified figure. "(Y/n)!" They hurried over to me and I finally recognised them as Kirishima. He knelt beside me and I shuffled over to him as a way to further distance myself from my own boyfriend.

"Is it him?" Katsuki hissed and I just buried my head into Eijiro's shoulder, hiding further.

"Denki! Go get Mina!" So Denki was the other.
Katsuki scoffed when two people arrived. Mina hurried over to me, gently pulling on one of my arms as she pulled me up. She glared at Katsuki as she rushed me passed him.

"Stay the fuck, away from her."

The three boys remained in my room as we left, hearing them all shouting at each other. Mina took me down into the common area where others were. I smiled weakly with puffy red eyes.

"Are you okay? We could hear a lot of shouting...What happened?" I shrugged, taking a seat beside Shoto and Mina.

"I-I don't know...He just came in and started shouting, then it escalated...He said I'd cheated...didn't give me a chance to talk..." My classmates all shared curious and worried glances. Shoto set a gentle hand on the top of my head. He ruffled my hair just as more tears fell and I rest my head against his shoulder. "I don't know what went wrong..." A small whimper escaped me as my brother wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "He started breaking things...the walls are burnt-" I felt Shoto tense up.

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