Bakugou Katsuki: Language of Flowers

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It didn't seem right.

Nothing seemed right.

They were right.

She was right.

He was right.

Everyone was right...

The world seemed to pass by as I stood in front of Might Tower, All Might's hero building. I stared up at the building, estimating how tall it was. It was cold, snowing. It was so strange to be stood here on a winter morning during school hours. I had left a small gift and note on the desk of one of my classmates, one who was three seats in front of me. I looked around, realising everyone was minding their own business. A small smile crossed my lips as I crossed the white road into the building. Reception looked at me, greeting me with a smile.

"I'd like to see my dad, All Might?" She nodded, checking something on the computer.

"He's out at the moment, would you like to wait in his office?" The top floor... I nodded gratefully. "Of course, here's your clearance card." I thanked her and headed over to the elevator. Because it was the middle of a cold winter, but I didn't care, I thought I'd dress appropriately. A fitted black, long sleeve top tucked into a black, lace, flowing skirt paired with beautiful black heels. No jacket. I thought about everything as the elevator ascended to one of the much higher floors. It came to a stop at dad's cafeteria floor, where he'd relax after missions. From there, there was a set of stairs which went up to his office floor. I ventured up them, slowly, taking in the area I had only been in when I was a child, reminiscing over the time I spent with my father. I gently looked over the bookcases and walls, recognising pictures of me and my mother, us along with David Shield and his daughter, Melissa. I smiled sadly. He watched me grow up, and kept those memories permanently in his office with him. Along another wall was all of his hero costumes, proudly displayed, next to each one was a drawing I had done over each era, at that time as I aged each drawing becoming more and more detailed and accurate. I glanced over to the stairs that led to the roof. I hesitantly approached and climbed them.

The wind brushed through my hair as I stood in the open air, manoeuvring passed the giant planet to peek over the edge of the building.

"That's quite far down..." I muttered to myself.


Third person POV

The day had only just begun, students leaving their dorms and making their way to their designated classroom. Bakugou walked with his hands stuffed in his pockets, huffing every now and then as he headed to class with Mina and Kirishima.

"I'm surprised (Y/n) isn't up yet, she usually leaves just before us." Mina piped up, tugging her scarf to cover her nose to keep her face warm.

"Maybe she isn't feeling well, should we have checked on her?" Kirishima and Mina shared a worried gaze before looking to Bakugou for and answer. He shrugged.

"Not really. If she didn't come out of her room, she doesn't want anyone going in."

The three finally arrived at the classroom, being the last ones there. Everyone was at there own desks, chattering and glancing over to the front corner desk. Sat on it was a vase of flowers and a handwritten card.

"Does Bakugou have an admirer?"

"How cute! Someone sent him flowers!"

"And a note! That's so sweet!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes and went over to his desk. When his eyes latched onto the card, he recognised the way his name was written.

~ Suki, I love you ~

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