Kirishima Eijiro: Bakugou's new girlfriend

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Idea: You do not get along with Bakugou's girlfriend.

There was a little secret within our class, just our class, no one else really knew about it, except Aizawa and a few other teachers since they wanted in on the drama. Formerly, I had been in a relationship with Bakugou Katsuki, however we parted due to the fact that we simply didn't get along, romantically, we viewed each other more as brother and sister towards the end of the relationship. We ended on the best of terms, remaining just as close as him and Kirishima were, and then I had started dating Kirishima, which was going swimmingly, we got along perfectly and he was the sweetest person in the world. Now, onto the situation at hand, our class, well some of us, had decided on going on a little trip to the park for the day, sitting on the grass, messing around, teenage stuff like that, just enjoying ourselves. I had gone 6 months dating Bakugou, now happily nearing the one year mark with Kiri in our second year, coming to the end of it. Obviously I sat beside Kiri, his hand on the grass behind me to keep himself up as he leaned back and stared at Denki and Mina rolling around in the grass, down the hill, in fits of giggles and demonic laughs. Just to clarify, after Bakugou and I had broken up, no one spoke of it, it was an unspoken rule, so this girl who had joined our class at the start of our second year, had no idea of our history, only aware of the one I had with Kirishima. On my other side sat Midoriya, Uraraka sitting between Deku's legs and leaning her back against his chest. Sero was perched at the top of the hill, pulling Mina and Denki back up with his tape, before releasing them and letting them roll back down. Jirou shook her head as the two continued rolling, sitting under a tree in the shade with Momo, who had a book in her lap. Kirishima nudged my arm and nodded to our right. Immediately, I noticed the newer class member and Bakugou. His hands were shoved into his pockets while her arm was linked with his, the two approaching  our group to join us. Everyone, every single person, knew I wasn't on the best of terms with this girl. She was quite the bitch, bit too....never mind. I sent Katsuki a smile, ignoring her presence. He nodded back, staring at Deku to move over. Midoriya shuffled over, making room between him and me for Bakugou. Bakugou's girlfriend let go of his arm and wandered over to Momo and Jirou. 

"They don't look to happy to see her..." Kirishima commented, tipping his head back to catch a glimpse at her. 

"Not many of us girls do...She flirts with everyone, acts like she's the queen to et everything she wants." Uraraka sighed and I nodded, watching Denki try to stand up and immediately trip over his own feet and fall to the floor, Mina almost pissing herself with laughter. Deku glanced to the boy between us to see Bakugou's reaction, the blond just shrugged, not really caring, and staring up at the sky. Bright blue, beautifully white clouds, and a beaming sun. I felt something hit the back of my head. Not hard, just a little thing, like a small pebble or clump of dried mud, maybe even a stick. I looked behind me and saw Momo reading her book, completely out of it, intrigued by every plot twist, Jirou just shrugged with an apologetic smile while this new girl, Akitsu, was looking around like nothing had happened. I stared for a moment, confused as to what had just happened, lightly tilting my head at her. 

"Everything okay?" I turned back around at the sound of my boyfriend's voice, nodding with a smile. 

After a couple of seconds, I felt another pebble or stick hit the back of my head. I chose to ignore it...until it happened again...and again...and again...I was growing increasingly annoyed. I whipped around and glared at her.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Momo looked up from her book to see what was going on.

"What do you mean?" Akitsu played dumb and I stared at her like she was crazy.

"You! Throwing random shit at me! What the fuck is your problem with me?!" She pouted and poked her tongue out at me, turning her head and crossing her arms in a huff. I sighed and turned back around, shaking my head. Everyone had been in their own little worlds, having their own little conversations, including Kirishima and Bakugou. 
I heard earth shifting behind me before feeling a hard tug on my hair. I gripped the roots of my hair where had been pulled and turned around with a glare and a low growl. 
"Seriously! What the fuck is your problem with me?!" She didn't respond, just pulled a face and tried to start up a conversation with Momo and Jirou. Kirishima's hand touched my leg, just above my knee and I looked at him with a sigh. 

"Just leave it, I'm sure it's fine." I nodded and calmed myself down.

"Yeah, well, Suki told me they broke up because she said she was gay-" Bakugou and I shared the most confused look, although choosing to ignore his girlfriend's words, all of knowing she was lying. "But he said he loves me, so I don't really care-" Bakugou looked even more confused, sitting up from laying on the grass and staring up at the sky. "We've even done it-" Kirishima and I stared at the boy, not having expected to hear that. Katsuki just shook his head, weirded out. 

"If we did, I didn't fucking know about it." He muttered before we all had irrelevant, unimportant conversations as a cover for eavesdropping. 

"But, that (Y/n), he did say they used to date, an like, I'm just paranoid she's trying to get him back, she flirts with everyone. She literally acts like she's the best in the entire school, it's pathetic-" I whipped around.

"So you want to talk shit?" I stood up, just as she turned around and did the same, pulling a face that said she was right, and proud that she had finally outed me. 

"Come at me, bitch, I dare you. Suki loves me, he'll stop whatever you try." She smirked, looking down to Momo and Jirou for them to back up her claim. Momo had gone back to her book, not really caring for this girl, while Jirou was reading over Momo's shoulder to avoid getting involved. The boys checked on Mina and Denki at the bottom of the hill for a second, and everything escalated. I felt a harsh sting and het radiate across my cheek, my head whipping to the side as a loud slap echoed around us, silencing our friends and making the two girls by the tree look up. I slowly turned my head to Akitsu, cracking my knuckles, sucking on my teeth and then stripping my thin jacket off, knowing the fabric would only get in the way. I brushed my hair out of my face and smile sickly as I swung my fist, hearing impact with such a satisfying crack that it sent her to the ground, holding her now bloodied nose. 

"Oh shit!" I heard Midoriya's voice, no one every hearing him swear before, but they were more focussed on the situation at hand. I had just punched Bakugou's girlfriend. I just punched my best friend's girlfriend. I just- my thoughts were silenced when I heard Bakugou chuckling from the grass beside Kirishima who was just staring up at me in surprise. I was a fairly humble person, honest, quiet, kind, never the type to get aggressive and assault someone. 

"What'd she do?!" I heard Mina shout from the base of the hill.

"Did she punch her?!" Denki screamed, wanting to know.

"Yeah! It was fucking amazing!" Sero called back, wandering over to us as the other two ascended the hill. 

"Oh my god..." Ochako muttered, using Midoriya's knee to keep herself up as she stared at us in surprise. Jirou and Momo were socked at the impact and damage I had served. I poked the whining and crying girl with my foot. 

"Anything you say just then true?" She stared up at me with a tearful glare. "I thought not. Disrespect him, or me, again, and I'll start breaking limbs." She looked over to Bakugou, pleading for her, he just shrugged. 

"You're in the fucking hero course, you should be able to handle yourself, especially a simple punch to the fucking face."

I smiled and dropped back into my place beside Kirishima.

"I didn't know you could punch like that-" I pecked his lips, lightly taking a hold of his chin. 

"Aw, sweetie, there's a lot you don't know."

"Like what...?" My smile twisted into a smirk and I leaned in, whispering to him.

"I'll show you tonight." I watched in amusement as his face flushed red.

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