Bakugou Katsuki: Last day

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I sat quietly at a table in the open hall, students dancing to the music as we all celebrated finishing our final year at U.A. High School. Everyone in our year group was here, General Studies, Support classes, Hero classes...Everyone was mingling. Others were up dancing, some drinking, some simply sat at tables talking to each other. I was sat at a table with a few others as they all talked. I glanced over the room at all of the students, a couple catching my eyes, especially when a set of eyes met my own. A subtle red pair, slightly covered by ash blond hair. In all my years at this high school, I had never actually spoken to him, since I was part of the general studies and he was part of the hero course and all... We only ever saw each other throughout the school building or just about on campus. He spoke to his friends for a moment, his eyes tearing away from me before he turned back in my direction and started walking. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, avoiding looking at anyone - he wasn't the friendliest of people. 

"General studies, right?" I nodded as he stopped by my table, the other students on my table watching him amid their own conversations, quietly eaves-dropping on us. "Bakugou Katsuki..." He held his one hand out lazily, not for me to shake....for me to take, like an invitation, his palm facing the ceiling. 

"(L/n) (Y/n)..." I hesitantly set my hand in his, his fingers gently curling around my hand as he pulled me to my feet. This seemed oddly out of character. "Why are you doing this?" I asked quietly as he led me towards the crowded dance floor, and then around it.

"I told my friends I'd at least talk to you before we left..." I quietly followed after him as we continued to wander around the large group of people, to the outside area, under a large canopy with string lights. He led me to some of the many empty seats in the warm night. He leaned against the railing as I sat down in one of the cushioned chairs. We sat in silence for a moment.

"Bakugou...why did you want to talk to me instead of hanging out with your friends for the night...?"

"Because you're interesting." His voice was somewhat softer than usual, his hands back in his pockets. "You pop up everywhere I look, you're always in the corner of my eyes..." I stayed quiet as he progressively just spilled what he was thinking. "The last three years all I've wanted to do is come up and talk to you, but you've always been with someone, or I have..."

"Why didn't you...?" He had been staring at his feet as he spoke, so he lifted his head at my words. 

"What?" He scowled a little. 

"When I was on my own. Why didn't you come talk to me?" He shrugged as I smiled softly. 

"Cause then everyone would know I had an interest in you and pester me about it." I tilted my head, listen to his voice soften from his usual angry tone. "But after today, I might not see you, so I want to get it out now. While I know I can see you..." I was quiet for a moment, Bakugou lifting his head to see what my reaction was to his admission. I was staring contently at the candle flickering on the table. A small smile on my lips. 

"I'm moving the start of next year..." Out of the corner of my eye I could see his shoulders slump, disappointment crossing his expression. "For six months I'll be out of the country..." I turned my head to look at him, saddened by his dejected look. "If I start to get to know you now, would you wait for me to come back?" He seemed a little more hopeful after that sentence. He nodded slightly, surprised by the question. 

"I waited three years to talk to you, and I feel the same way as when I first saw you..." I smiled as I stood up, quietly moving to stand a little more in front of him. 

"I'm still here for another six to eight months....If something is to happen in those months - before I leave - then I may be able to stay..." Bakugou straightened up, towering over me a little more. 

"What would need to happen...?"

"I'm only moving out of the country because I'm not old enough - according to my parents - to be left on my own yet. I would be allowed to move back after I turn 19..." I smiled softly, with a weak laugh. "But if I were to be involved with someone, and my parents liked them, and I ended up living with parents have said I can stay in Japan rather than move away..."

"So you're willing to risk getting involved with me?" I nodded, Bakugou smiling the smallest bit. "In that case, do you want to go on a date with me this week?" I nodded once again. 

"Just tell me where and when." I gently handed him my phone - unlocked, as he slid his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me, opening the contacts page. I quietly typed my number into his phone, setting up a contact with as much information on me as I could in the chosen fields. Under the contact name, I wrote my name with a little heart. When we swapped phones back, I giggled to myself, noticing he had written his first name, a smile crossing his lips as he read over his screen, chuckling to himself. "Katsuki..." He looked from his phone, innocently, with a light dusting on his cheeks, which caused my smile to soften.

"Yeah?" I shook my head with a small laugh.

"It's a nice name, that's all. I think it suits you."


I stood in front of Katsuki's desk, talking to him, as a couple of his friends entered the office.

"You're joking right?" Katsuki stared at me apologetically. "Katsuki, really?" He nodded with a sigh. 

"Can we talk about this later...?" I sighed, losing hope in this conversation. It'd been years now since we'd all left high school. Four or so years now, and he just wasn't listening to me when I tried to tell him something. At the moment all he was focussed on was work. 

"No, we can't." I finally stood my ground. I wanted to talk to him, so I would, even if his friends were here. His eyes had flicked to his friends and then back to me as I spoke. "I've been trying to tell you for weeks, but you won't listen. Will you please listen to me? It's really important, I need your input on this, desperately." He sighed and rubbed his forehead, slouching back in his chair as he motioned for his friends to give him one minute. 

"(N/n)...It really can't wai-"

"I'm pregnant." He immediately fell silent and straightened up. "And I want to know, before it's too late, if you want this...If you want a family..." Without missing a beat, he spoke.

"Yes." He stood up and came over to me, gently taking my face in his hands. "Yes, I want that. I want that with you, so badly...please..." I smiled softly and leant into his touch.

"Okay...That's sorted then..." I laughed with a sigh. "I'll leave you to work now..." Bakugou smiled and quickly kissed me. 

"I love you..."

"I love you more."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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