Bakugou (Y/n): Villain

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Your outfit ^^

I wandered through the building in search of my darling boyfriend. Due to...personal assets, I was able to provide the League with a larger base. My own home. I provided the group with a room each as well as access to all areas of my property. Most bedrooms had a balcony and an ensuite plus a wardrobe. As I was walking passed one room to look for Dabi, I heard two voices. Izuku and that new girl, Uraraka, I think her name was.

"I hear a sound." I furrowed my brow, listening to the two converse.

"It's probably just a mouse."

"See them in the dark."

"I only saw a spark." Izuku sounded set in his words, that he had definitely seen something, while this new girl was trying to convince him otherwise. Something's not right.

"I know there's someone there."

"Not as far as I'm aware." I heard the girl whimper in surprise at something.

"Why don't you believe me?!" Along with her little whine, I could hear the crackling of Izuku's quirk. I lightly knocked on the door and pushed to open.

"Is everything alright, Izuku?" I wandered over to him with a gentle smile, lightly setting my hand on his wrist for him to let go of Uraraka's own wrist. His grip loosened enough for her to pull her arm away. The broccoli boy nodded.

"Just fine." I nodded and went over to the door, listening carefully to our surroundings as Izuku spoke. I heard a faint crackling outside by the balcony. I turned my head and found two boys now stood on the addition, a red head and a blonde. I locked the door. Both boys had their quirks activated. "I guess I did hear something."

"Let us help you, Deku!" One shouted like an angry puppy. I stared at him, approaching Izuku with a smirk as I set a hand on his shoulder, pulling him gently out of my way.

"Now why would he want your help..." I could hear the green electricity crackling behind me. "...Katsuki?" The boy stared at me, in shock horror. He knew me, very well, and personally. "You've grown up into quite the young man..." I smiled sadly. "It's such a shame I couldn't witness it myself." Everyone but Katsuki was confused, even poor Izuku.

"Then you should have stayed."

I dropped onto the couch and switched on Izuku's television, flicking through the channels.

"So my wonderful mother could brainwash me with the hero bullcrap?" I sighed with a laugh, tipping my head over the back of the couch, turning my head to look at Bakugou Katsuki. "I don't think so." I gasped in realsation, shooting up and hopping over to him and his friend. "How rude of me, I haven't introduced myself to your friend." I smiled, holding my hand out to the boy with red hair. "From what I hear, you must be Kirishima." He remained on guard, not shaking my hand. I pouted. "Shame." I lowered my own. "Professionally, I'm know as Zimmy, but since your Katsuki's friend, you can call me (Y/n), Bakugou (Y/n), it's such a pleasure to meet you, Red Riot." I smiled in such away that my younger brother had let down his guard and I saw a sad, minor, frown cross his lips. It broke my heart, my own demeanour falling. "Katsuki?" I asked, worried and a little heartbroken that I had made my brother feel this way. I attempted to set a hand on his should, hesitantly reaching out. He let me, tipping his head so he was looking at the floor. This was my 15 year old brother, sad because of my life choices. "Katsu-"

"Why'd you do it?" I stared at him, hearing him speak through gritted teeth.

"Izu, go find someone to hangout with for now. Kirishima, take Uraraka with you please." Izuku stormed out of the room while the red head nodded to his female companion before the two quickly left.

"Why'd you leave?" There was a strain in his voice. Since I had left, this was the first time I'd seen him.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki." I took his arm, lightly and moved us away from the window, out of sight from other hero's.

"Why did you leave?!" His head snapped up and I realised how much he reminded me of mom, I was more like dad. I smiled, remembering my family, how I hadn't seen them in years. The boy in front of me had fallen to his knees with his hands planted on the ground in front of me, trying not to cry. I knelt in front of him and spoke in the softest voice I could muster.

"We live in a world where society's opinions of people revolve around if they have a quirk and how powerful it is." Katsuki looked at me mildly confused. "I didn't show signs of a quirk until I was starting high school." He continued to stare at me, now in surprise. "So up until then, I was bullied and called names because I was quirkless...When I finally got my quirk, people were telling me I couldn't be a hero with it." I smiled sadly, wiping the tears Katsuki was shedding. "That my power was too destructive, physically and mentally, to others. Like you, I had also wanted to be a hero...but I knew what people were saying was right. With how aggressive I was, and how dangerous my quirk was, especially since I couldn't control it, I let go of my dream." I smiled, remembering what had happened. "I had attended U.A. and the teachers were trying to help me with my quirk, but couldn't, so I dropped out. Another boy in my class had also dropped out...we stuck together. When he mentioned becoming a villain, it didn't sound that appealing, but the idea grew on me and I agreed. Then we joined the League together." I could hear sirens outside and began to panic internally. "I know you want to be a hero to help people, like All Might, you idolise him, but be careful...There are heroes who do it for the money and fame, they become corrupt, I don't want you becoming someone like that...I know you were raised better." I heard the downstairs door bust down as well as someone shouting outside. I swallowed thickly. "Suki, I want you to make this society better. I chose to be a villain, because it's better than becoming a corrupt, money-seeking hero. You've made some good, honest friends-" The door behind me was rammed into, not breaking down yet. I took my brother's face in my hands. "-stick with them." He slowly nodded. "Tell mom and dad I'm sorry for leaving around ten years ago, tell them I miss them, okay?" I smiled with closed eyes and tears streaming down my cheeks. I pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head. "I'm sorry, Suki. Stay safe." I screamed when the door and the wall were blown down and shattered with the windows. I was thrown into another wall but managed to use my quirk.

When the dust cleared, I squinted, painfully opening my eyes and trying to push myself up. I fell back onto my side. Stood at the broken wall was All Might in all his glory. I could see Katsuki staring wide-eyed at the number 1 hero as I was straining to keep my quirk active, I whimpers, unable to move my legs due to the large beam and rubble on them. All Might was confused at the glowing, purple orbs surrounding Katsuki in knife-like movements, quick and sharp enough to slice through flesh, muscle and bone. Both male's looked over to me, struggling to keep this up. My eyes shifted painfully to the ceiling as I heard a creak, increasing the amount of purple orbs around my brother, just as part of the ceiling collapsed right above him. When the pieces hit my quirk, they went through it, turning to dust immediately. I was struggling to breathe, taking shallow and fast breaths. Blood was dripping from my forehead as well as the corner of my lips as I grit my teeth to keep my younger brother safe. In a swift movement, as soon as my quirk failed, Katsuki was taken by the hero. I smiled sadly, hearing Katsuki screaming about something and trying to pull away from All Might.

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