Natsuo Todoroki

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"-Trying to patch things up one-sidedly!"

"Natsuo!" I called out, clearing my throat when he turned to look at me in surprise before storming out of the room and down the corridor. I forced an apologetic smile to his siblings and father before following after him. "Natsu!" I grabbed his arm and he whipped around to face me, his chest heaving. "He's trying! For God's sake, he's trying!"

"You don't get it! The torment he put us all through!" The white haired teenager snapped. "We barely saw Shouto as kids! I didn't even know he liked soba-"

"Natsuo, you have to appreciate that your dad is at least trying to amend things-"

"You're still not understanding!" I clenched my jaw and sighed, listening to him. "We lost Touya because of him! You don't get that!"

"Yes I do, but not to your extent!"

"Exactly! So why are you hounding me about forgiving my dad? or at least accepting him!"

"Because I saw how scared you were when he could have died! And I know what it's like to lose someone when you're on horrible terms with them!" Natsuo stared at me for a moment before relaxing his entire facade, his expression fading. 


"My dad, and my older brother were never on good terms with each other..." I made sure to keep eye contact with Nastuo. "And in turn, neither were on good terms with the rest of us, so the family literally fell apart." I sighed, remembering it all like hit was yesterday. "My brother had become a pro hero, and had gotten into an altercation with some villains...he was fond dead buried under some rubble."

"That's different to your dad tormenting your siblings-"

"He died because my dad had been the one to edge him to become a hero, going as far as to stage an attack...which ultimately killed both of them...because he forced me to use my quirk for it."

"You do have a quirk?" I nodded, sucking on my cheek. I'd told Natsuo when I'd met him that Ii was quirkiness, in order to avoid telling this story. 

"I can create illusions...horrific illusions...And my dad made me use it so he could train my brother...which killed them, which is the reason I dropped out of Yueei." He stared at me. "I became the bad guy, and now I'm on bad terms with my family." I forced a smile with a sigh. "What I'm saying is that my family never made amends with my brother or father, and now we miss them more than anything and regret never doing anything, don't let that be the fate of you and your father." Natsuo lightly took a step towards me and rest his forehead against mine before very gently, almost hesitantly pressing his lips to mine. 

"You should have told me before..."

"Before what? Before you snapped at your dad for a valid reason?" He shook his head and took my hands in his. 

"Before I said that you didn't understand..." I forced another smile. "Look...You mean everything to me, and if it'll make you happy, I'll try and be civil."

"I mean, if Shouto can do it, and Fuyumi, then I'm sure you can." Natsuo nudged me, mildly offended, but laughed anyway. I led him back to dinner, walking in with an apologetic smile. 

"Sorry about earlier." My darling boyfriend apologised to his family as he dropped to the floor in his seat, while I went to mine, beside Shouto. 

"So, you prefer cold soba?" Shouto seemed hesitant to answer, but soon nodded with a smile. 

"Yeah. I saw in one of the halls at school...You were one of the top students." Everyone's attention shifted to me and I laughed nervously. 

"Aha, yeah...That was my second year...but after a lot of bullying, I dropped out, went to a normal school." Endeavour's interest seemed to pique. 

"You interned with me in your first year." I slowly nodded as Endeavour did the same before tucking into his food. "Very promising quirk, although the fact that it was usually on the darker side did radiate trauma-" I stared at him, surprised. My quirk showed trauma?

"You knew I had trauma, from my quirk?" Natsuo's dad nodded.

"You can't tell me it hasn't become less horrific after those sessions." I continued to stare but slowly nodded again. 

"Well., yes, but-"

"So the therapy helped?" I nodded again. "How are the illusions now?"

"Bland...but realistic..." Natsu and I shared a look, his was more concerned and confused while mine was skeptical. Endeavour hummed, satisfied with my answer.

"Controllable?" I nodded again as we all continued to eat our dinner. "So what do you major in?" Natsu and Shouto seemed surprised at the question.

"Um...quirk investigation..."

"Still following the hero path I see?" I nodded.

"You could say that..."

"Interesting major. What does it entail?" Natsuo stopped eating for a moment and leaned back on his hands to see where this conversation would go.

"Um, what quirk caused damage at crime scenes, relating said type quirk to different villains and finding relatives with those quirks if we can't track the original quirk user."

"I see..." There was silence between the Todoroki siblings. "Sounds interesting."

The night ended with me sat in my boyfriend's room on his bed with him sat at his desk, his feet kicked up on the surface. 

"Mental, absolutely mental."

"Baby, it's not that bad. He was just intrigued that's all-"

"(N/n), you interned with him, my dad, then you drop out of high school, and attend the same college as me, I bring you home and my dad recognises you as one of his most promising interns!" He sighed. "It's mental, everything come in a fucking circle."

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