Bakugou Katsuki: (Band AU) Incident with the kids

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Recently my boyfriend and I hadn't been on the best of terms, arguing quiet often. We had been doing perfectly up until now, only a few small arguments based on petty things, but now he was just becoming pure lazy, and I was getting bored and sick of it. I sat at the side of the stage, waiting for the band to finish their final song so I could just go home. I was sat on some of the trunks, flicking through my phone with a bottle of beer in my other hand, bored out of my mind. I heard the first chord of the song and looked over to Mina, confused. They had never played this song, in fact I had never heard it before. The pink haired girl just shrugged and continued to move a couple things backstage.

"My girlfriend's bitching cause I always sleep in~" I whipped my head over to the boys when I heard Katsuki's voice sing that line. "She's always screaming when she's calling her friends~" I clenched my jaw, looking over to Mina to see if she knew about this. She shook her head, setting the boxes down and coming to stand with me. "She's kinda hot though." Katsuki glanced over to my mildly offended and increasingly pissed figure, with a smirk, out of the corner of his eye, still strumming the chords. "Yeah, she's kinda hot though." That's right, he played guitar sometimes, switching with Denki to be on drums most of the time, while Kirishima played the other guitar and Izuku was on bass.

"Just an itty bitty little bit hot." Denki whispered into the mic, sending me a wink, making me laugh a little.

"My shrink is telling me I got crazy dreams~" Kirishima started to sing, sending me an apologetic smile in reference to my boyfriend's behaviour. I shrugged. "She's also saying I got low self esteem~ She's kinda hot though."

"Yeah, she's kinda hot though~" Bakugou added just before Kaminari muttered into the mic mischievously.

"Just a little bit a little bit hot."

I felt my phone start to vibrate in my pocket, pulling it out of my pocket and allowing my small smile to drop. I stared at the name on the screen.

"I'll be right back." Mina nodded, taking my drink from my hands when I silently asked her to hold it. I wandered around the corner to an area that was a little quieter, but I was still close enough to Mina for her to hear me over the speakers in case I needed anything. I pressed a finger to my ear before raising my phone to my other. "Kina, id everything okay?"


"Kina?" I could hear the girl crying a little, maybe even hyperventilating.

"I-I looked away for a second! H-he fell down the stairs-"

"Kina, Kina, who fell down the stairs? Which one?"

"Miksu- We brought him to the ER as soon as we could, they said to call you-" I scratched the back of my neck, more worried than ever.

"I'll be there soon, I'm going to leave now, don't worry, okay?" I heard her hum, clearly nodding as she cried. "Is Shiro there? Or Himari?"

"N-no, Kayla stayed with him back at the house. Himari's here..."

"That's fine, can you get them there too? I'll be there soon." I ended the call once she gave me the okay, hurrying over to Mina and letting her know I'd have to leave in a minute. I glanced up onto the stage, contemplating on whether I should get Bakugou. Despite the fact that they were in the middle of a concert, I ran up the steps, Mina trying to grab my arm to stop me. The boys ignored my presence, used to me being nearby, although they did shared curious looks. I approached my boyfriend as he was about to finish his lines. I leant up to his height, him leaning down to me a little, my voice shaking as I spoke. "Miksu's in the ER, we need to go." Katsuki never faltered on any note he was playing, although his words did seem to come to a stop. He turned his head to look at me, to see if I was lying. The amount of concern and worry on my face showed him I wasn't. He yanked the cable that connected his guitar to the amp, out of the guitar and quickly walked off stage, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him.

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