Teru Minamoto X Fem! Reader (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun) {Dealer Of The Wonder}

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Alright so the requester and I have both watched the anime and are reading the manga (at least I know I am but that's not super important, requester knows the stuff that was left out of the anime for some dumb reasons like wtf guys this shit was fucking important) but it's been three months since I got this request and there hasn't been much of a backstory as to why Teru is the way he is (which is why I've been waiting to write this) so I'm gonna make something up with the information that has been provided over the past three months but that being said-


"(Y/n)-san!" Hanako shouts the moment she passed by the girls bathroom. "Come here a moment!"

She sighs and takes in a deep breath before walking in. "Yes?"

"Now now, that's not what you call me~" He chuckles as Nene mops the floor in misery.

She glares at him, refusing to call him by the awful name he demands to be called. "Hey now I am the one who made you a half spirt, couldn't show me some gratitude?!" Hanako pouts but gives in. "I need you to go on a top secret mission." He says, now sitting on the window seal.

"Oh?" She replies, leaning against the wall to stay out of Nene's way. "And what might that be?"

He chuckles when Kou walks in, "your first task is to get him out of here." Hanako grins, pointing at one of the Minamoto siblings.

Kou sighs, holds his hands up, and walks out of the bathroom. 

"Why did you do that?" Nene asks.

"Because this mission has to be kept from everyone, including you Yashiro." Hanako replies.

"Oh..." She mumbles and exists the bathroom as well.

"Won't they just try to eavesdrop on us?" I ask.

"Yeah but that's okay," Hanako replies and walks over to me, getting really close to my face. He whispers in my ear, "I need you to track Teru Minamoto. I have a feeling he is up to something. Get close to him and find out what he's doing."

"Huh?" (Y/n) mumbles, "and what do you think he's up too?"

"You remember when he was trying to kill me, right? Pinned me down and Kou had to stop him before he killed me?"

"I mean yeah but what does that have to do with anything? He hates supernaturals like exorcists are supposed too."

"But he had to train and learn all that experience somehow, right? So you're job is to find out what is really happening when he's not at school." Hanako smirks, "or in other words..." His face moves into a mocking expression and points his finger at (Y/n), who's clearly not amused. "You must become his stalker!"


"This is so stupid." (Y/n) mumbles to herself, as she walks home with Kou. "Thanks for understanding though."

He smiles brightly, "of course! It may be strange but you have a reason, and if I can help you out then I want to."

(Y/n)'s face softens, "anyway do you have idea when your brother will be home?"

He nods, "he won't be out long. Maybe in about half and hour. Just wait here," they stop at the corner of the street. "He won't be able to see you when he passes you by."

She nods and plops next to a trash can, "He wouldn't dare look here..." She then looks up at You, "thank you again." They both wave goodbye, leaving (Y/n) questioning all of her life choices.

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