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No one has signed up for one of the last four spots, and I'm getting bored with waiting around, as I'm sure the rest of you are as well. So, I've decided to start the Games early. The first task will be posted sometime next week - it depends on school and stuff. This chapter is also a reminder for many things.

1. Tribute forms. I'm pretty sure that I have most (if not all) of those in, and I'm so happy about that :) but if anyone hasn't handed in, they'll have to hand in soon, otherwise their tribute won't exist and there will be three kills added to their death toll in the first elimination round. I know that sounds harsh, but I also know that, if any of you are anything like me, you need a good ol' kick in the butt to get you motivated.

2. The actual Games. They'll probably be started on Wednesday (Australian time), I'd say, possibly earlier. I'm writing up the first task now, and I hope that you guys are looking forward to it as much as I am! I expect all tasks handed in (or a valid excuse if they won't be turned in) and everyone has two strikes before they're eliminated. If you don't hand in once, I'll PM you a warning. If you don't hand in twice, four deaths will be added to your death toll. If you don't hand in three times, you'll be eliminated.

3. Advertisement. Please advertise these Games! I would prefer if the last four faerie places were filled before next week... (If not, I'll make up four random characters - or use old ones of mine -that will die in the first task and won't have to hand in any tasks - they'll be dummy tributes) imagine me down on my knees. I'm literally begging you right now - please advertise the Games! A post on a message board, a private message, anything, and there might be a bonus for you in the Games ;)

4. Sponsor comments. Before anyone comments on this, I know that I haven't finished with commenting on all the chapters - I've been busy and just haven't had the time. But I'll probably finish that in the next few days, and I would like the other sponsors to as well (if they haven't already). If one of you doesn't comment on all the chapters, or at least give me a reason why you "can't", then they won't be included in the inner workings of the Games - I won't turn to them for advice and they'll have no say in how these Games are run. Plus, if I'm in a bad enough mood, they won't be allowed to sponsor as many tributes as the other sponsors. These Games have been in waiting for so long - it's only fair that I motivate you (like I need to motivate myself, because the same rules apply for me)

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