Entries (Yep, I'm Done Procrastinating... For Now)

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As usual, the entries will be posted in the order tributes handed them in. Thanks for getting them in guys! Those with extensions, I think the longest you have is another 24-48 hours... Australian time, that means it's due late on Monday or early on Tuesday... I'm rounding XD if you haven't handed in, you have until Tuesday morning or I'm not accepting it :)
Accalia Draven
Day One
"Remember, Don't show your strengths!" My mentor, Kalista Aventine, states. I nod and walk out my penthouse. I get to the elevator and get in. I silently hum to myself until the elevator stops. A vampire, Emery, walks in. As soon as Emery notices me, she gives me a death and disgusted, glare. I turn my back to Emery, to show I don't care what she has to say. "I hate you, and your kind." Emery states. I roll my eyes and turn to her. "Oh, you don't say!" I reply, sarcasm blasting in my tone. Emery scoffs as soon as the elevator stops. I walk off before her and walk to the doors of the Training Center. I push them open and walk in. I hear annoyed groan and realize I left Emery outside.


I giggle and see everyone standing in a circle. There are signs with a type of downworlder on them. I go to the sign that says 'werewolves' and stand next to Chloe. A woman walks onto the podium in front of all of our innocent souls. Well at-least most of us are. Anyways.The woman looks like a vampire. She has blood red hair that falls down to her waist in tight curls. Her skin is very pale and her eyes are pale blue. She has very short lashes and barely any makeup. She is just wearing a winged liner with red lipstick. She is average height with many curves all in all the right places. She is very attractive.

"Hello, downwolders! I am Callidora and I will be your instructor for these four training days." Callidora states. "Each day during training will have a skill that you will have to learn. Such as, today you will practice agility, Day two, strength, etcetera." Callidora explains.

"But there are one rule! No fighting! There is enough time for that in the arena. That is all, now, go follow Hreidmar to the indoor track." Callidora instructs. Hreidmar looks at all of us with sad eyes.

He's an Avox.

I shake my head in disgust. The tributes get behind Hreidmar and he leads the way. I can't help but notice his emerald-green wings. They have pink edges with red swirls on his membrane.


We get to the track quickly and Hreidmar leaves. The track is huge! It is in an oval shape with a opening in the middle. There is fake grass on the oval with two paralleled white lines. Everyone starts to run five laps around the track, The vampires finishing especially quickly. The vampires walk out grinning at the werewolves. I roll my eyes and finish my laps two minutes after the vampires. I walk out and see many agility stations. I think about what to do, then decide to start off with an obstacle course. I walk over to the obstacle course then stop.

"WHY DON'T YOU LIKE HER!" A male voice shouts. I turn around to see the Brazen brothers arguing. The male voice came from Caspian. "She seems to, well, rude and basic." Cyrus bluntly states. "Oh you mother-" Caspian slaps his brother in the face. Cyrus screams in agony and holds his face. He glares at Caspian and punches him in the stomach. Caspian clutches it and pulls his brother to the ground. Cyrus grabs Caspian as he falls and they both hit the ground. The brothers both fight for dominance and finally Cyrus wins and climbs atop of his brother. He repeatedly punches his brother until the fight get's broken up. The brothers are pulled apart and separated to different stations. My eyes are widen in shock.

What just happened.

I continue what I was doing. I jump up the first pedestal of the course. I continue doing that till I i get to the balance beam. I spread my arms and continue walking. I pray my foot doesn't slip and it doesn't. I make it across and get on the slab after the beam. I jump up and grab the pole above me. I grip it then grab the next pole with my left hand. I continue that motion across the monkey bars and then I get to the end of the monkey bars. I jump down and land on my feet. I look around and notice everyone looking at me. I see glares, and impressed glances. I sigh and walk to the next station. I walk over to the next station, a treadmill and get on. I set the speed to five and I start jogging. I hum to myself then I realize something.

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