Training Scores :)

232 12 41

Before I start with the scores, I'll apologise for how friggin long I took to update. It won't happen again, because I've learnt from the mistake of not putting the entries into the chapter straight away, and I know that Wattpad tends to glitch when I try to edit a chapter with over 65 thousand words in it XD. A reminder, the scores will be out of 6 per day, so don't feel bad if you don't get too high. Also, if you didn't hand in task 2, you'll currently have no points. Task 1 wasn't scored, and if you didn't hand in task 2 - that's another 0, so your only points will be from this task. And the highest you'd get is 6 if you only handed in one day. And for the scoring, I decided not to write all of your scores per day, just the totals. It's easier to understand, and I don't really have time XD Anyway, now for the scores!


Accalia Draven - 8

Michael Beaumont - 7

Magnus Bowee - 15

Chloe Gjames - 7

Rolf Basham - 11

Tegan Rider - 7

Caspian Brazen - 8

Cassiopeia Eterne - 10

Darren Kheelan - 9

Stephen Targaryen - 0 (Didn't hand in Task 2)

Patrick Vaduvol - 0 (Didn't hand in Task 2)

Cyrus Brazen - 0 (Didn't hand in Task 2)

Liam Winters - 7.5

Lianelle Rota - 10

Taraleigh Bryte - 16

Messidina Perlyne - 8

Theodore Bryte - 8.5

Giselle Galestone - 0 (Didn't hand in Task 2)


Accalia Draven - 18.5

Michael Beaumont - 5

Magnus Bowee - 16.5 (+5.5 from added day)

Chloe Gjames - 22.5

Rolf Basham - 11 (+11 from added days)

Tegan Rider - 17.5

Caspian Brazen - 4

Cassiopeia Eterne - 18.5

Darren Kheelan - 13.5

Stephen Targaryen - 13

Patrick Vaduvol - 18

Cyrus Brazen - 4

Liam Winters - 8.5

Lianelle Rota - 16.5

Taraleigh Bryte - 22.5

Messidina Perlyne - 19

Theodore Bryte - 15

Giselle Galestone - 3.5


Lianelle Rota! WHOO! You just earned yourself an extra 5 points :)


Accalia Draven - 26.5

Michael Beaumont - 12

Magnus Bowee - 37

Chloe Gjames - 29.5

Rolf Basham - 33

Tegan Rider - 24.5

Caspian Brazen - 12

Cassiopeia Eterne - 28.5

Darren Kheelan - 22.5

Stephen Targaryen - 13

Patrick Vaduvol - 18

Cyrus Brazen - 4

Liam Winters - 16

Lianelle Rota - 31.5

Taraleigh Bryte - 38.5

Messidina Perlyne - 27

Theodore Bryte - 23.5

Giselle Galestone - 3.5

These scores are not permanent - if you haven't handed in all your days, you have until TUESDAY to do so. I'll change your scores if you can get the last couple of days in :) correct me if I did my maths wrong, and I'm sorry but I'm far too tired to write out the rankings. Next task will be posted on Tuesday! When that task is up, it signifies the end of the extension for those of you who haven't handed in. Any questions, feel free to comment / PM me :)

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