Task 7 Entries

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I am so, so sorry for the delay everyone! Christmas time is super hectic and busy for me (no doubt for you as well) and I haven't had much time for Wattpad. The next task will be posted in the next few days! I'm very sorry, but those who didn't hand in (unless you've spoken to me and got an extra extension) will be eliminated. Comment any questions, and any other entries will have until I post the scores and rankings chapter to hand in. Otherwise, like I said, they will be eliminated.

Taraleigh Bryte's POV
What's worse than not being with my brother?

Being stuck between a Vampire and a Werewolf without my brother. So far, the three of us have been together for approximately twenty four hours, and I've never wanted to tear my hair out all my life. After our little detour to the cornucopia, we went to the marshland to spend the night. The way it went down wasn't exactly pleasant.
"There is no way I'm going to sleep with a Vampire watching me." Cyrus whines.

"It's that or you don't sleep at all." Michael deadpans.

I roll my eyes, annoyance slowly beginning to course through my veins. "Cyrus, he can't do anything to you." I say in my most reassuring voice.

"I can, you know." Michael smirks. "But I won't." he adds quickly.

Cyrus narrows his eyes, "Thanks that's so comforting."

"Okay, how about this. You sleep, and we'll take watch. I can stop Michael in case he misbehaves, and when it's my turn to sleep, you stay up with Michael." I suggest, crossing my arms.

Cyrus looks so conflicted with the idea it's almost comical, but he agrees eventually. "Fine, just don't try anything, both of you!" He sets up his makeshift bed, and curls up in a fetal position. Within minutes, he's snoring.

Michael and I sit in silence.

"I, um... how's your arm?" he queries awkwardly.

"Fine, I guess." Silence prevails again. After a few minutes, the quiet starts to suffocate me so I decide to break it. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

He turns and gives me a suspicious glare. I blink blankly, to show him I'm serious. "That depends. How personal is it?"

"Quite." And without waiting for his permission, I add, "Do you remember anything before you, you know, turned?"

It's a while before he answers. I watch as his jaw tightens, and as he presses his eyes shut. "Not too much. I know I had parents, but I don't remember a lot about them. Heck, I don't even know what they look like."

I nod, not knowing how to respond. I'd expected a retort of some sort, not an actual piece from his past.

"Why are you so intent on finding Theo?" he inquires.

"Why do you care?" I raise an eyebrow his way.

"Just thought it'd be fair, since you just asked me something personal." Michael shrugs, and I realize I'd been quite rude.

"I... well, he's my brother. We're family." I answer quietly.

Michael stares at me, and I fight the desire to fidget under his scrutinizing gaze. "Guess I wouldn't know, seeing as I can't remember what it feels to have one."

His voice is thoughtful and almost dreamy, laced with a hint of sadness that I wanted to scoot over and give him a massive hug of comfort.

I squash that urge like a boss, and we sit side by side for the rest of my turn.

Now, in broad daylight - though you can't really tell because the foliage is so thick that we only receive slivers of sunlight from the raging sun - the three of us make our way across the swampy marshland in silence. Tension hangs in the air like the constant threat of death. I have a hard time breathing through all the suffocating thickness, as it's obvious that neither boy trusts each other. So they put the only other person in this alliance between them: me.

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