Voting Results, Scores & Rankings

145 8 46

Before I get into this chapter, I need to start off with something that I've totally forgotten to do. Levi Rixton's points! I already scored him, but I forgot to post it! Anyways, here they are!

Task 1 (This score does not add to the total score, it's just a rundown of how good / bad the entry was)
Levi Rixton - I absolutely love your unique and rebellious attitude. I don't think that I've ever seen a tribute quite like you. The grammar in the entry was 99.5% perfect, and everything was detailed and interesting. I had a blast reading your entry! I score you an 11.

Task 2

Task 3
6, 5, 5.5, 6

And his Task 4 will be scored with everyone else's XD. I'll post the results from the Chopping Block (which was extremely close, by the way), then the previous rankings, the scores for this task, then the bonus points and who they go to, and finally the new rankings! Here we go...

5 faces light up the sky. First is Tegan Rider, the wonderful warlock who made it rather far. Then it's Edmund Allsopp, the cool-looking warlock. Next is Liam Winters, the entrancing vampire that captured everyone's attention with his ravishing good looks. Up next is the rebellious werewolf, Chloe Gjames. The next face is...

Stephen Targaryen, the awesome faerie! Pity that he died... But congratulations to our two survivors! You made it by a hairs breadth! Accalia Draven and Lianelle Rota, you will be continuing in the Games! Voting was very close, and I was rather surprised by some of the votes. I've also decided that, for my next Games, the Chopping Block tributes will be decided by those with the lowest scores. It seems unfair that such highranking tributes had to be killed. Also, my next Games will be a lot more organised XD I won't post late.

The previous rankings...
1. Taraleigh Bryte - 38.5
2. Magnus Bowee - 37
3. Levi Rixton - 34.5
4. Rolf Basham - 33
5. Lianelle Rota - 31.5
6. Cassiopeia Eterne - 28.5
7. Messidina Perlyne - 27
8. Accalia Draven - 26.5
9. Theodore Bryte - 23.5
10. Darren Kheelan - 22.5
11. Patrick Vaduvol - 18
12. Michael Beaumont - 12
12. Caspian Brazen - 12
13. Cyrus Brazen - 4
14. Giselle Galestone - 3.5

Those were the previous rankings! Good work everyone! 15 tributes left... Kind of disappointing considering I started with 32 haha. Now that I think about it... I think that was far too many. Anyways, now for scores for the task! Whoo! I'll write the scores in the order that I received the entry, but just a heads up; I didn't score the tributes that were eliminated. Sorry, but it doesn't really make sense to.

Cassiopeia Eterne - 11.5
Messidina Perlyne - 10
Michael Beaumont - 9
Taraleigh Bryte - 11
Lianelle Rota - 11.5
Levi Rixton - 12
Caspian Brazen - 8
Darren Kheelan - 9
Theodore Bryte - 8
Rolf Basham - 11
Magnus Bowee - 11.5
Giselle Galestone - 6.5

Good work to EVERYONE! Now, for the bonus points. Just to let you know, I had a terribly difficult time choosing the receiver. Everyone's entries were great, and I'm so disappointed that I said only one person gets the bonus points. For the next task, there will be more than one way to earn bonus points, so stay tuned! Anyway, the bonus points...



CASSIOPEIA ETERNE! I loved how you portrayed the feelings and reasoning when you ran towards the rainforest, and then changed to the snowy mountain. The conflict that you so clearly showed in your writing really stood out to me. Good work! That brings your total score for this task to 16.5. The new rankings are next! And I know this chapter is messy - I don't care at the moment. I'm still sick, tired, and stressed. Two entries due for me, a tribute form, plus I have to finish writing the next task haha. Sorry if it's confusing!

Current rankings...
1. Taraleigh Bryte - 49.5
2. Magnus Bowee - 48.5
3. Levi Rixton - 46.5
4. Cassiopeia Eterne - 45
5. Rolf Basham - 44
6. Lianelle Rota - 43
7. Messidina Perlyne - 37
8. Theodore Bryte - 31.5
8. Darren Kheelan - 31.5
9. Accalia Draven - 26.5
10. Michael Beaumont - 21
11. Caspian Brazen - 20
12. Patrick Vaduvol - 18
13. Giselle Galestone - 10
14. Cyrus Brazen - 4

And that's it! Task 5 will probably be posted tomorrow... If not then, it will be posted in two days! Comment anything that I might've (probably) missed, and let me know if you have any questions! It's not like I'm going to tear off your head XD

THE HINT FOR THE NEXT TASK IS... STORMS. And yes, I've decided to start giving out hints to each task :)

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