Sorry Guys

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So, I've decided that this first task is more of a practice task - a way for me to evaluate your writing skills. Yes, it will still be scored. No, these scores will not add on to the next one. This task is just to show you what I thought of your writing, and I'm going to offer a small comment below on each person's entry about how I thought you wrote and what you could improve. Thanks guys! Don't take these comments too seriously, for all I know this was bad writing for you... And you know how I mentioned the bonus points for the best conspiracy theory? Yeah, those are the only scores that will STAY until the next task. Otherwise, the points don't continue past this chapter.

Messidina Perlyne - I liked your entry because of the anger you felt when someone mis-pronounced your name, because of your attitude towards the Games, and because of your general writing skill. Although, there is a tiny improvement needed in using correct grammar - not much, but I did find a few mistakes. I score you a 9.

Taraleigh Bryte - I liked your entry because it was detailed, descriptive, and you clearly displayed the emotions you were feeling, even though that's a lot harder to do in third person. I couldn't find anything major that you could improve on, so good work! I score you an 11.

Cassiopeia Eterne - I liked the way that you described your emotions in your entry - it was slightly different from everyone else, but that can always be a good thing. Your entry was pretty much perfect, and I hope the next entry is just as detailed. I score you a 10

Rolf Basham - I liked your entry because of how amazingly descriptive it was - I felt like I was Rolf. I only found one grammatical error, and that one was more of an opinion than grammatically incorrect. I score you an 11.

Chloe Gjames - I liked your entry because of how you described Chloe's sassy personality, and how you added in quite a few things from her home life. I found about 4-6 grammatical errors, but otherwise your writing was pretty good. I score you an 8

Magnus Bowee - I liked the way you described the other tributes, and the way you described youself. I also enjoyed reading how his friend died, even though it made me sad. I found virtually no errors in your writing, good work! I score you an 11.

Theodore Bryte - I liked the way you started off your entry; that intrigued me from the very beginning. I noticed you mixed up your writing tenses (past, present, future) a few times, but otherwise there were a few grammatical errors and that was it. I score you an 8.

Patrick Vaduvol - I liked the descriptions you used, of your feelings, the other people arround you, and the things you saw. I found a couple of errors, mainly grammatical but I think one was a spelling mistake, but good! I score you a 9.

Darren Kheelan - I liked your entry, but you used 'I' a lot, which always seems to get on my nerves, no matter what. That wasn't really your fault, more mine haha. It felt kind of rushed, but still well-written. I score you an 8.

Cyrus Brazen - Though your entry was short, it was interesting. I especially liked how you described what he was feeling, but I did find quite a few grammatical errors, which brings me to ask... Did you proof read? I score you a 7.

Caspian Brazen - The grammar was a little off in some places, but that's okay because I know you were in a bit of a rush when you wrote that. I liked the way you spoke about the other tributes, and the way you interacted with them. I score you a 7.

Stephen Targaryen - I liked your entry because I feel like you really gave everyone an insight of your personality, even with the grammatical errors that I found. The emotions were displayed well, and the conspiracy theory was really good haha. I score you an 8.

Jayson Faelan - I liked your entry because of the interactions between you and other tributes, and I could only find a few errors. Keep up the great work! I score you a 7.

Kristina Faelan - Your entry was good because of the descriptive language you used and the skill of your general writing. There were a few grammatical errors, but otherwise good work! I score you an 8.

Lianelle Rota - I liked your entry because of the descriptions you used, and the way you reacted to the other tributes. Plus, your conspiracy theory made me smile. The only thing that you could've done better... Umm... I only found one spelling error, otherwise it was perfect (from what I can tell). I score you a 10.

Valeria Silk - It was pretty short, and there were quite a few errors with the grammar, but otherwise I really enjoyed your entry. The conspiracy theory was really good, even though it was very vague, and your descriptions were all interesting. I score you a 7.

Liam Winters - Your descriptions were good, and I liked the way you started off your entry. There were few grammatical errors, otherwise your entry was pretty good. I score you an 8.

NOW FOR THE BONUS POINTS WHOOP WHOOP!!! I have decided to give 5 points to the winner of the 'best conspiracy theory', and those five points will stay with them for the rest of the Games.

The winner

Of the Bonus Points


TARALEIGH BRYTE!!! Congrats, you just earned yourself an extra 5 points :) I wasn't 100% sure what your 'conspiracy theory' was, but I assumed it was when the peacekeepers mentioned two tributes getting frisky, and that made me smile. It was different, humorous, and pretty unexpected. Good work!

The next task will be posted in a few days, as I'm packing to go to my friends place for a sleepover, and then I have school. Adios amigos!

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